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"YOUR Y/N!!" A little boy squeaked

"Yes, and you are..?" I chuckled, I'm guessing he's playing the little brother 

"I'm Andrew (my crush's name lol) I love Stranger things and you and Gaten are so cute!" I blushed at the last part

"Thank you, Andrew." 

"Wait you and Gaten are actually a thing? I thought that was just the fandom being dumb again." Jesse said and laughed I bet she was talking about "fillie"

"Oh no, we are a thing." I reassured 

"I SHIP IT!!" They shouted "(Y/S/N)!!!!!!" ( your ship name) I hushed them quickly

"Don't draw attention!" I covered their mouth with a hand "I would prefer not to be the center of attention."

"What's y/s/n?" Samantha burst into our conversation 

"Y/n and Gatens ship name, y/s/n!" Jesse said saying y/s/n louder

"Stop pretending to be someone's girlfriend, it's pathetic." She laughed "If he did date anyone it would be me, obviously, no one would want a stuck up bitch as a girlfriend."

"Your one to talk." I said "you seriously had no idea? Me and Gaten already are a thing. You can take your sad dream and throw it away." I was about done with her bullshit.

"What." She seemed pissed "did you say. To me?"

"You heard me," I said "I said take your sad little dream and throw it away, me and Gaten are already dating."

"He doesn't love you, He feels BAD for you." She fired back Jesse interrupted by shoving her phone into Samantha's face,

"Yeah, actually, he does love her, look!" I could tell she was over excited I bet it was what I thought it was.

"Awwwe, how cute, he's pretending,he's and actor remember?" She really doesn't want to admit it wow. "Call him, and ask him" she said at me

"And you'll leave me Andrew and Jesse alone? Deal" I whipped out my phone and called Gaten

"Awe, it's baby Gaten!" Jesse squealed my contact for Gaten was baby Gaten 💕❤️

"Oh hush" I blushed

"Y/n! What's up?" Gaten said

"Oh nothing much, just this bitch is saying you don't love me your just feeling bad for me." I glare at Samantha 

"What!?" He was shocked "I do love you! I don't feel bad for you." He said 'feel bad' as if he were so disappointed at those words. " let me talk to her, the bitch." 

"Oh she can hear you, your on speaker." I grinned "so are Andrew and Jesse,"

"Hi Andrew,Jesse," he said "hello, I don't know your name I honestly don't care, what in your mind thought I didn't love y/n?"

"Stop pretending! You know you'd rather date me, She is a fake ass bitch."

"Put me on FaceTime, let me see the bitch."

"Her name is Samantha by the way." I said putting him on FaceTime I smiled seeing him again 

"What do you mean I'd rather date you, y/n isn't even wearing makeup and she is already so much prettier." I blushed Jesse nudged me and Andrew was smiling like a mad man

"I'm not wearing makeup either!" She spat like it was foul tasting

"Hmm, I beg to differ." He said " what's the black stuff on your eyes, eyeliner. What's that way to bright red stuff on your cheeks, blush. What's that weird ass red ish colour on your lips, lipstick."

"THATS NATURAL!!" She screamed "ITS NATURAL-" She was cut off by Andrew smudging her lipstick, eyeliner, and all the other smudge able makeup she was wearing 

"Totally natural," Gaten mumbled "yeah right." I laughed but then we heard the director shout for all us

"I got to go Gaten, love you."

"Love you more." He said and hung up

"You guys are just the cutest!!" Jesse squealed Samantha has already stormed off "that girl is such a jerk what the hell."

Hey guys! I got my nails done and it's impossible to type. :/ I'm trying to be more active and it's not working as well as I want

Sorry it's short lol 

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