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I was dropped off at the park. i immediately saw and recognized Gaten and ran to him. i covered his eyes with my hands and said "Guess Who?"

"Hmm i dont know. Y/n?" he laughed 

"How'd you know?" i laughed still behind him

"i should recognize my own girlfriend!" he said and i walk around to face him "oh you have glasses?" i nodded "they're cute"

"Y/N!!" i was tackled by B/F/N 

"HI!!!! what are you doing here?" she grinned wide

"i came to see you" i hugged her 

"Its good to see you!" i hugged her tighter

"AGH! YOUR CHOKING ME!" she shrieked i let go and laughed "YOUR WEARING YOUR GLASSES!!"

"yes i am. please dont scream in my face" she looked at Gaten just standing there awkardly

"oh HI! i didnt see you!"

"Hi b/f/n." he said 

"well anyway. enjoy your date i gotta go!" she waved by and started walking away

"ITS NOT A DATE!" we both yelled in unison at her she turned around

"sURe!" she then waved and ran off

"your friend is weird" he said looking at me

"yeah she is. she has a major crush on Finn and i find it hilarious."he chuckled

"Hey lovebirds! sorry to interrupt but i'm here" Finn said walking to us 

"oh my god Finn your the second person to say that!" i said

"oh really who else said that?" 

"b/f/n was here a little bit ago." i said

"oh. shes cool" he said not looking at either of us

"FINNY HAS I CRUSH!" i jumped up i saw b/f/n in the distance walking her dog, she was alone i looked at Finn and smirked "HEY B/F/N! COME HERE!" he looked wide eyed at me i grinned wide

"what y/n? what is it-" she stared red faced at Finn "oh umm hi."

"hey." he replied glaring at me i grinned in response

"Millie!" i said as Millie walked to us she hugged me

"hi!" i also saw little Noah running up to us 

<short time skip cause im a lazy ass bitch>

soon enough we were all there except Sadie ;-;

"so what are we gonna do?" i asked 

"truth or dare!" Millie said nearly jumping out of her skin (am i the only one that says that?) i shrugged  we all agreed

"y/n! truth or dare?" millie said grinning maddly

"uh truth." i said her grin grew wider.SHIT! 

"ARE YOU AND GATEN DATING!?" she basically screamed

"yes." i said calmly

"I KNEW IT!!" Millie jumped up

"then why'd you ask?" i laughed

"because i wanted everyone else to know."

"oh cool. we were planning on telling yall soon." he nodded

yOy i'm updating! well anyway my foots better WOOT WOOT! and im typing this out on computer so i can say whatever shit i want too <3


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