Chapter Fourteen: The Power Of Darkness

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Morning. And just like normal routine. Dante got up. Then he looked to his right and angel was right there. She was fast asleep. Dante got out of bed slow so he didn't wake her up. But when he hit the bathroom it wasn't too long til angel woke up.

"Morning Dante..."

"Oh hey there angel!"


"What's up angel you seem like something is on your mind?"

"Um....last night..."

"Oh that... Well um mmmm I'm sorry."

"Hmm it's fine but... "

"But what?"

"Can we never talk about it or tell anyone what happened please!"

"Yeah sure I'm cool with that."

"Thank you Dante thank you!"

Angel hugged him. Then let him go and walked out the door. Dante couldn't understand why she walked out but he decided to follow her just in case she needed any help or got into trouble. But trouble was always sure to find a way. But he went anyway. But he wasn't expecting what he was going to see.

When she walked into an alley he hid behind the side of the wall. She didn't even know he was there.

"What is she doing in a place like this?" He whispered.

He seen a black smoke like cloud roll in from the other end. Then the smoke rose up and it became a guy.

"I see you found my crystal."

"So it's yours?"

"Yes but I must say it looks good on u though!"


"Yeah so as a gift of my kindness and yours you can have it!"

"Oh thank you. Really thank you."

"Any time my dear. Plus it looks beautiful on you."

Angel blushed then smiled. When the guy left in the shadows the way he came and angel went back to her friends for the mean time.

"So hey guys."

"Hey look your back."

"Yeah sweet finally.

"So how was it and where were you."

"Me I was um walking around I couldn't sleep so I stayed up so um I should really get to bed right now."


Before angel could make it to her room. Drake was already knocking at the door.

"Oh hey drake?"

"Hey star listen have you guys seen Dante yet?"

"You mean you seen Dante!"

"Yeah I sent him after angel cause we lost her so yeah!"

Star turned her head slowly and glared at her. Angel looked at her like 'what I haven't seen Dante what you talkin bout'!

"Angel I swear if you were with Dante last night and now with us I swear."

"Well what would you do if it just randomly snowed and wait you were with us play snowball!..."

"No we where looking for you!"

"Wait then who where we playing with???"

"I don't know what it wasn't us so yeah what did you do all night?!"

Heart Of An Enchanted Wolf Angel HybridWhere stories live. Discover now