Dina: what's up fatties
Nate: tf you just call me
Leilani: shut up whore ^
Hayes: what do you want
Dina: why so mean?
Sammy: it's FOUR AM
Johnson: if y'all don't go to sleep
Dina: I won't go to sleep anytime soon 🙃
Nate: don't you have other friends?
Dina: nooo
Leilani: I'm officially woken
Tez: ^
Maya: ^^
Gilinsky: ^^^
Lexi: ^^^^
Ayla: ^^^^^
Monae: ^^^^^
Lexi: you always do this shit
Dina: whatever do I do?
Tez: I don't know if it's your daily fucking routine but you when up at 3 am or four am and start texting us
Gilinsky: what the hell are you a demon?
Dina: shut up and give me dick^
Gilinsky: fr?
Dina: shut the hell up
Leilani: I can't fuck no one here
Sammy: why?
Leilani: I'm taken
Nate: by who? 👀
Leilani: for granted
Monae: c r i p p l i n g d e p r e s s i o n
Ayla: y'all hoes are depressed and suicidal
Johnson: and?
Ayla: I like it