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As they loaded up a large black van, Blaine watched from video feed. Luz hacked into the security feed and streamed it to the television in Blaine's room. He'd also broken through barriers to hack into the van's GPS to get the coordinates off it. The others had spent the whole night trying to track down where they were keeping his family, and it only took his friend two minutes to get through the GPS's massive firewall.

Finally, the seven of them - Gael, Kyra, Saffron, Audra, Arin, and the other guy and girl - loaded up into the vehicle. A panel started rising, or rather was pushed by a long metal arm, and their van disappeared to the above world. With a soft snicker and smirk, he leapt off his bed and snatched up a helmet. He threw open his door and started down the hallway. Lucky for him, his new quarters remained close to that atrium, so he avoided too much attention from the other agents that wandered this underground base.

When he entered the atrium, he walked over to a glowing blue panel. Typing a string of characters that coded a particular item needed, he profusely thanked Luz in his mind. He wanted his friend to come with him, but Luz wasn't really a hand-to-hand fighter. His fighting style was akin to Anonymous, the hacker organization, secretly taking down in the background.

A huge panel of wall hissed and slid open like a French door, revealing a red and black motorcycle. It looked eerily familiar, a similar deja vu that he'd had when he first saw Audra. He shook his head to snap out of it. Not the time, Blaine. Not the time.

Grinning from ear-to-ear, Blaine yanked the helmet over his head. The second he tightened the strap, lights appeared on the blue visor. "Whoa!"

"You okay there, twinkle-toes?"

Luz said he'd be on the other end of the communications. "Excuse me, but, where is Luz?"

"Name's Al-Ex," the female voice replied, "I've spent half the night tracking down the rat hijacking our firewalls, only to find that we have two foxes taking advantage of an exhausted mother of two."

Blaine cleared his throat, starting to get fidgety. "Sorry, Miss Alex-"

"Ah ah ah, AL-EX," she corrected, "You didn't emphasize correctly. And, no worries, your little Spider-Geek told me everything."

Luz's voice suddenly interrupted, "Sorry, Blaine! She threatened to put me up on the surface with no vehicle or cell phone."

As Blaine's brow furrowed, Al-Ex came back on, "Listen, twinkle-toes, I'm not gonna chew you out or try to stop you. In fact, I want to help."

"Help?" Blaine asked, "What are you gonna do?"

"Simple. Just walk your butt and the bike over to that red panel."

"Oh-kay..." After he'd done as instructed, he asked, "Now what?"

Al-Ex chuckled. "Patience, young Padowaan." The sound of hissing and gears turning sounded from behind the panel, and it slid open just like the one with the bike. But, instead of revealing a bike, it revealed the path to the underworld. Red and orange lights flew into an abyss of black, some swirling to form a sort of tunnel.

Blaine took a hesitant step back from the windy, flashing spiral of doom. "And... I'm expected to do what, exactly?"

"This is a teleporter. Not the Meta talent exactly, but based off of how Teleporters use their talents. I've got this one focused on a location about four city blocks from where Division 3 is going. You drive into that, and you'll get there approximately ten minutes after them, instead of thirty if you took the highway lift."

"And, why didn't they take this there?"

"Well, two reasons. A, it won't fit as big a vehicle as that SUV. And, B... this is a prototype."

The Chaos Accounts #1: Account of AnxietyWhere stories live. Discover now