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Blaine's smile didn't fade as they walked through Luz's neighborhood in silence. It faltered occasionally, and he was now attributing the smile to wired nerves. "Hey, can you explain-"

"Not until we reach RosaBella."

That anxiety-triggered smile twitched again. Every time he tried to get Arin to tell him anything, that was her stubborn answer. "RosaBella is that Sanctuary you've been talking about, right?"

A heavy sigh. "Yes. Why?"

"Is that where all these MetaHumans are hiding?"

Her head snapped up, glaring daggers at him. "You're not tricking me out of my stance. I'll say nothing more until we reach Rosabella."

Throwing his head back, Blaine groaned, "Seriously? I've been shooting wind and fire out of my palms, and you really think I'll be satisfied with waiting any longer for your explanation? Besides that fact, you knew my birth name. How in God's name did you know that?"

As they walked up the front steps to Luz's house – more like mansion – Arin replied, "Because they used to be one of us."

Blaine had gone to reach for the doorbell and froze. His smile finally dropped off his face like a stone. "What?"

Arin's mouth formed a thin smile as she rang the doorbell for him. "Later, remember? Besides, the Norms aren't allowed to willingly know. So, zip lip."

The door was answered by a tall woman with dark brown hair. Though not looking much like him, Luz's mother certainly kept the same air about her. "Blaine, sweetheart!" She wrapped her arms around him for a few seconds before releasing. "How are your parents?"

Lying through his teeth, Blaine forced a smile, "They're fine, Mrs. Milano. Is Luz home?"

"Yes, she is."

As Mrs. Milano walked into the house, Arin whispered to Blaine, "I thought Luz was a guy."

"He is. His parents just won't budge."

"Huh?" Arin clearly looked confused, as most were when hanging around Luz's parents for the first time. They followed Mrs. Milano to the stairwell, where the mother was shouting up the stairs, "Lucy, Blaine and his girlfriend are here to see you!"

Arin chuckled nervously and waved at the mother. "Not his girlfriend."

"We are dating though."

Rolling her eyes, she snapped, "One date! You had the same length of time with Hunter; why not call that a date?"

"What the heck are you talking about?"

"You called her Val!"

The thin, taunting smile had traded owners, now adorning itself on Blaine's face. "Oho, jealous much?"

"She wanted to slit your throat, dummy!"

"You said the orders were to not kill me." Arin remained silent, but glared daggers at him. Smug grin growing, Blaine finished, "I thought so. Truth wins out."

"Heyheyhey!" Luz came down the stairs in his usual fashion: giant Bluetooth headphones around his neck, music blasting, and dancing down the stairs. Once at the bottom, Blaine and Luz fist bumped and bro-hugged, as per usual.

Blaine smiled. "Hey, bro, good to see you!"

"Good to see you too, dude." Luz finally locked onto Arin, who looked as confused as a duck sliding across a frozen lake. "And who might you be, chickadee?"

"Um..." Arin definitely was confused, so Blaine answered, "Luz, I'd like you to meet Arin."

Arin finally recovered and snapped, "And, to be clear, not this idiot's girlfriend."

The Chaos Accounts #1: Account of AnxietyWhere stories live. Discover now