~chapter 4~

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It's Cole and I's 3 month anniversary tomorrow and I still need to figure out what to buy him. But then I got the perfect idea. We both love photography but he always complains about how his camera isn't advanced as he'd like it to be... Time to go to best buy!
*text from Cole*
Cole 🤤💍❤️: hey bbg, u doing anything atm?
Y/n: sry babe but yeah... u can come over a bit later if u wanna stay over tho?
Cole 🤤💍❤️: ofc id wanna stay the night but what r u doin?
Y/n: oh nothin just grocery shopping... dw ill be home soon and ill call u... byee ❤️
Cole 🤤💍❤️: ugh alright bye ❤️

I headed to the closest best buy and find the perfect camera. It's the same one as mine, the
Canon 70D. It might be a bit too advanced but he's good with mine so it'd be great for us to both have one. Then I ran over to Walmart and bought a cute little box to put it in, along with some gold wrapping paper, tape and a black bow. Hopefully he likes it. Once I got home I prepared the gift then hid it in the vent in my closet. After everything was over I texted Cole and asked if he had eaten yet. He didn't so I made us a spaghetti dinner along with a hot fudge brownie sundae for dessert. Cole comes over and I gave him a kiss as soon as I open the door.
"Well hello to you too" he says smiling, leaning back in for another kiss.
"I made us dinneeeer" I said excitedly. We sat down and ate while just talking. Then we watched some Netflix in bed then both fell asleep. I woke up super early and made Cole and I both breakfast along with a delicious fruit smoothie.
"Cole" I shouted out. He walks out the room and his eyes trail up and down my body as I was wearing just short-shorts and a bra. Although he was also only wearing boxers. He saw what I made and he pulls me into a hug. Finally, after we eat I pull out the gift I bought him.
"Happy anniversary Cole" I said handing him the gift. He thanks me then opens the little box.
"Oh. My. God!" He exclaims.
"Thank you so so so much y/n" he says pulling me into a deep kiss. Then, Cole walks into the bedroom. He comes back with a little box. I open it and it was the most beautiful necklace I've ever seen in my life. I started to tear up and Cole brings me into a hug.
"Okay... it's been 3 months and we haven't even really told anyone so do you maybe-"
"Yes. I just wasn't sure if you would want to or not" he said smiling.
The next day we get to class and finally tell a couple people. The school day went by pretty quickly but suddenly at the end of the day a few girls came up to me.
"Who the fuck do you think you are, huh?" a girl shouted at me. I was so confused.
"So what, huh? You just walk into this school and think you're the shit? Dating Cole Sprouse?" she yelled. The two other girls were just standing behind her looking like dumbasses.
"Ah I see. Y'know I was pretty confused at first but now I get it. You're jealous. So what huh? Are you his ex? Or are you just doing this because you wish you could get him- oh but you can't because the only thing your ugly ass can do is help the janitor with that ugly mop ass weave" I said.
"How dare you!" She lifts her hand trying to slap me but my reflexes beat her and I grab her hand.
"Hah. It's funny when stupid bitches like you know they're wrong but just can't accept it. And now I'm guessing these two are only here to pick you up when you fall down? Well bitch here you go" I say as I push her and her 2 little minions catch her.
"Damn" Cole says. The girls are still staring so I grab Coles hands and put them on my ass then bring Cole in for a deep and passionate kiss. I hear the girls pouting  and stomping away. After that whole mess was over Cole had asked me to get coffee with him because he wanted to talk. He didn't say it in the type of way that would make me afraid of what he had to say, so I agreed and we headed over to Starbucks.
"Okay.... I wanted to ask you something that I know would be a huge jump in our relationship so I'd understand if you say no" Cole said.
"Yes?..." I said.
"I wanted to know if I could move in with you?" Cole asked. I was so happy by his 'request'.
"For sure!" I exclaimed.
"Wait, really?" Cole said.
"Yes!!! I'd love it if you moved in with me" I said with a huge smile followed by a quick kiss.
Hey y'all... Next time I publish it might take a huge turn on the story.... idk maybe 😏🤷🏽‍♀️

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