The Renewed Tsunade

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' Move Tsunade!' Jiraiya thought as he watched Orochimaru's blade descend upon the immobilized Tsunade. The sage gritted his teeth when he saw that Tsunade was still frozen in fear and knew that she would be dead unless she did something.
"Wind Style: Wind Wave!"
Orochimaru turned his face to see a kunai speeding towards his face. The snake summoner quickly moved his head up to dodge the kunai, giving Jiraiya the perfect opportunity to take Tsunade away. The sage quickly leapt towards Tsunade before taking her hand and leading her away from the snake summoner. He would need to assure the safety of her and Shizune before going back to help Naruto.
"You won't get away!" Orochimaru yelled as a snake came out of his mouth again and sped off towards Jiraiya but before it could get far the snake was cut in half by Naruto's blade. "You!" Orochimaru spat in anger, the same brat that had ruined his plans in Konoha was about to sabotage his plans of killing Tsunade.
"Wind Style: Devastation!" Naruto yelled as a violent wind came out of his mouth, hitting Orochimaru full force. The snake summoner proved to be a legendary ninja and broke through the attack with little trouble. The blond gritted his teeth and got into his favorite hand sign, "Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!"
Orochimaru frowned as thousands of Naruto copies filled the room, the damned brat was way too annoying. The snake summoner returned the snake into his mouth and took the sword on hand, he had had enough.
Naruto didn't know what else to do. He was up against a legendary ninja and was running out of options in just a few seconds. His plan was to stall Orochimaru with his clones and look for an opening though he knew that he had no chance of beating the legendary ninja. What he had to do was wait until Jiraiya got back if not then he was dead, simple as that.
"Die," Orochimaru said with a snarl as he swung the blade. Naruto was taken aback by the attack but his eyes widened when he noticed that the sword was expanding until it was about thirty feet long. With one simple swing all of the clones were dispelled leaving the real Naruto exposed to the snake summoner, "Got you."
Orochimaru appeared before Naruto in a show of pure speed, and before the blond could react he received a punch on his stomach, knocking the air out of him. The Chunin gasped in pain before being kicked on the face, the blond felt part of his jaw shatter from the power behind the kick before sailing through the air and crashing against one of the walls painfully. The blond fell limply on the ground with most of his strength gone.
Pain was all Naruto knew at the moment. His whole jaw ached horribly and blood flowed freely from his mouth, he still hadn't caught his breath from the punch on his stomach, and he had hit the back of his head against the wall, giving him a painful headache. It was no wonder that Orochimaru was considered legendary, in less than a minute he had left him in such a state.
Orochimaru chuckled in amusement. "Here I thought you would put up a little fight," he walked towards Naruto's fallen form and raised his sword, "I didn't want to kill you at first since I found you amusing but you have run my patience."
The sword descended upon Naruto. The blond couldn't do anything except close his eyes, he had no more strength to fight back and would need to do something he hated. His only choice would be to use it and in order to do it, he would need concentration. He concentrated until demonic chakra pumped through his system and his eyes snapped open.
Jiraiya and Tsunade ran through the halls of Orochimaru's base with an unconscious Shizune hanging from Jiraiya's shoulder. The sage had to find an exit quick before going back to help Naruto, he wouldn't last long against Orochimaru. He was ashamed of himself for leaving him on his own but knew that the blond wanted to buy him some time. He was brought out of his musings when he saw sunlight at the end of the hall.
"Okay Tsunade," Jiraiya said in a quick voice. He took Shizune off of his shoulder and set her gently on the ground, "I'm going back to help Naruto, you stay here!"
Before Tsunade could answer Jiraiya was already off. The sage knew he had little time to help his student and ran through hand signs. 'Looks like I have to use it,' he thought with a frown. He slammed his hands on the ground and two small elderly toads appeared.
"What's the matter Jiraiya boy?" asked one of the toads.
"There's no time. I have to use it right now," Jiraiya said in a worried voice. The toad heard the worry and nodded at its companion. The two toads jumped onto Jiraiya's shoulders and connected to him.
Jiraiya's appearance began to change. His nose got bigger, warts appeared on his face and his eyes became toad-like.
'Hang on Naruto!' The sage thought as he ran through the hallways in an incredible speed that made it seem as if he was a blur.
Orochimaru's sword struck the floor and his eyes widened, there was no sign of Naruto. Hearing footsteps he turned to his right to see Naruto charging at him. He slammed his hands on the ground and hundreds of snakes appeared, they all launched at the blond with their fangs bared, prepared to kill. The blond saw the snakes coming and put a hand around his mouth before making a strong wind come out of his mouth and stop the snakes on their tracks. The snakes were blown away before hitting the opposite wall and disappearing in poofs of smoke.
"This brat," Orochimaru said with a chuckle, "Is an interesting one."
Naruto glared at Orochimaru through blue slit eyes. Blue chakra with marks of red swirled around the blond. His whisker marks were darkened and his hair had grown spikier. "Wind Style…" the blond muttered with a frown. Orochimaru watched in interest as the blond took a deep breath. 'Air Bullets!"
Naruto finished in his head as he unleashed the air on his lungs and fired balls of winds at Orochimaru.
The legendary ninja dodged the first bullet with ease but frowned when he saw it make a hole through a wall, just how much power was behind that attack? He had no time to think as a barrage of wind bullets sped towards him. He easily dodged the attacks due to his speed but frowned when he noticed that the attacks were getting stronger little by little. He gazed at Naruto but raised a brow when he saw that he wasn't there anymore.
"I got you!" Naruto yelled from behind Orochimaru. The legendary ninja turned around to see Naruto charging at him with his blade on hand. His eyes widened when he saw that the blade was infused with the blue chakra and that it extended at least eight feet.
Orochimaru used his own blade to parry the attack. Naruto didn't let up though and continued to swing wildly at the legendary ninja. The snake summoner smirked as he blocked the attacks, the blond was truly interesting and would become a problem if not dealt with right now. As of now he was only testing Naruto to see how much strength was behind his unusual transformation. From the looks of it all of the blond's abilities increased but he knew that it took a toll on his body since he hadn't made a single clone since they would probably dispel the moment they were surrounded by the chakra.
' Dammit,' Naruto thought with a frown as a trickle of sweat ran down his face, 'I'm already pushing it as it is. If this keeps up I'll end up with no more chakra.' The blond jumped away from Orochimaru and ran through hand signs. "Wind Style: Devastation!" Orochimaru watched as a powerful wind came out of Naruto's mouth and noticed that he had infused it with that same chakra.
"That's enough for now," Orochimaru said with a smirk as he made a mud wall to block the attack. The wind crashed against the mud wall but didn't cause as much as a scratch.
"Damn," Naruto muttered once his attack died down. He was panting now and his enhanced chakra was starting to disappear. He watched as the mud wall went down to reveal a smirking Orochimaru. The blond hadn't been able to land a single blow on the legendary ninja and couldn't help but feel fear towards the snake summoner.
"Looks like you're out of that chakra," Orochimaru said with a smirk.
' What do I do now?' Naruto asked himself as Orochimaru approached him with a twisted smile on his face. The blond's body was numb and refused to move,
'Damn it! Move you idiot!' The snake summoner pointed his sword at the blond as he walked.
Orochimaru chuckled. "Look at you, all afraid," he licked his lips and smirked, "My blade will end your fear brat."
Naruto gritted his teeth, there was nothing more to do. He had already played his trump card and was almost out of chakra with his body no longer moving from the strain it had taken. He watched as Orochimaru approached but his eyes widened when he saw the ground beneath the snake summoner began to swirl.
"What?" Orochimaru asked himself as he was being swallowed by the ground.
"Fire Style: Toad Flame Bomb!" Jiraiya yelled as he unleashed a steam of fire while the toads on his shoulders unleashed toad oil at Orochimaru. The two attacks mixed and he resulted in a large explosion where Orochimaru had been, leaving a large cloud of smoke filling the area.
"Let's go kid," Jiraiya exclaimed as he slung Naruto over his shoulders and began to run out of the base.
"W-what! Where are we going?" Naruto asked as the sage sped through the halls.
Jiraiya looked over his shoulder. "I'm going to get you to Tsunade. You're going to get her to a safe place and wait for me outside. I'm going to go back inside and blow the place up so we have one less base to worry about," he instructed. Naruto stared at Jiraiya with a blank expression making Jiraiya feel a little awkward, "What are you staring at?"
"What the hell happened to you and why is there a toad on your shoulder?" Naruto deadpanned.
"Nice to meet 'cha," said the toad with a smile on his face, "My name is Fukasaku."
"And I'm Shima," said the other toad.
"Weird…" Naruto muttered with an odd look on his face.
Jiraiya sighed at his student's lack of respect. "This is as far as we go," he said as he put Naruto down and pointed to the exit, "Tsunade should be out there. Make sure to protect her at all costs, she's still a little shaky from the blood."
Naruto nodded. "Got it sensei," he said before looking down with a frown, "I'm sorry but I had to use it again."
"You did what you had to do," Jiraiya said with a serious expression, "You were lucky not to have overdone it, otherwise you'd be dead right now. Just make sure not to use it again until you have the necessary training."
"I understand," Naruto said as he watched Jiraiya run back into the base, "Be careful sensei." With that the blond ran out of the base, keen on following his master's orders.
Orochimaru growled as he got out of the rubble Jiraiya's attack had caused. He had been a fool to turn a blind eye to Jiraiya but he supposed he hadn't been able to detect him because the sage was using the infamous 'Sage Mode.' He had never seen it himself until now and had to say that it was a powerful technique.
"Lord Orochimaru," Kabuto said as he walked to Orochimaru with a slight limp to his step. Kimimaro stood next to him with a calm expression on his face.
"What happened Kabuto?" Orochimaru asked with a frown.
Kabuto sighed. "I was ambushed by Naruto," he began, "I underestimated him and ended up getting hit by a Rasengan."
Orochimaru nodded with a snarl. "What about Kimimaro?" he asked, "Is he fit for battle?"
Kabuto nodded. "I believe so," he turned to the Sound ninja and smirked, "Once I recovered from the attack I used my medical jutsu to awaken Kimimaro and heal his fatigue."
"Very well," Orochimaru said, "Kimimaro I want you to find and kill the fox brat, his might become a threat with time. As of now he should be out of the base. Kabuto, you and I will prepare to leave this base since it's been compromised. We will meet in the South base in one day."
The two Sound ninja nodded. Kimimaro took off towards the nearest exit while Kabuto and Orochimaru left in clouds of smoke.
As soon as Naruto got out of the base he was greeted by the sight of a blood-covered Tsunade sitting next to an unconscious Shizune. The blond frowned, she hadn't done anything to help and only cared about how sorry she felt about herself. Jiraiya had told him all about Tsunade's tragic life and he couldn't believe how selfish Tsunade was. Instead of honoring the memory of her brother and of her lover she chose to run away from everything.
"Is she alright?" Naruto asked. Tsunade didn't respond and kept her gaze on the ground, "What's the matter with you?" The blond gritted his teeth and glared at Tsunade, "You're a medic, aren't you supposed to help her! Stop being selfish and help her already!"
"Shut up brat!" Tsunade snapped in anger, "You don't know anything."
Naruto gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. "I know all abo-" The blond's eyes widened and he jumped to the side, dodging a barrage of bone-like blades.
"You are indeed skilled if you managed to dodge my attack," came a voice from a tree. Naruto turned his gaze towards the voice and his eyes widened when he noticed that it was the same ninja he had spared, "But I will still kill you in name of Lord Orochimaru."
Naruto gave a quick gaze at Tsunade before getting into his taijutsu stance. "I don't plan on dying today," he said with a smirk on his face. Tsunade gazed at Naruto and her eyes widened when she saw the determination on his eyes, "I still have to be Hokage someday!"
' H-he…' Tsunade watched Naruto and couldn't help but think of her dead brother. Tears welled up on her eyes remembering the days she had been with her brother. She would annoy, embarrass, and argue with her brother but she always loved him. The same determination and dream that lived on her brother was now living on Naruto.
"You're a fool," Kimimaro said with a calm expression, "No matter what you do, I'll end you're life here and now."
"We'll see about that," Naruto said with a smirk as he charged at Kimimaro with his blade in hand.
Kimimaro opened his palm and a blade made of bone emerged from his palm. He charged at Naruto and the two blades met with a 'clang.' The blades were intertwined and Naruto smirked as he began to infuse chakra to his blade, a blade infused with wind chakra was able to cut through almost anything. The wind-enhanced blade easily cut through Kimimaro's but as soon as it did, bones emerged from the Sound ninja's stomach and stabbed Naruto's right arm.
Naruto cried in pain and tore his arm away from the bones. Blood flowed freely from his right arm and it already felt numb. He tried to move his arm but found that he couldn't, the bones had probably cut through his nerves. Kimimaro wasted no time and punched the blond in the stomach before kicking him away, making the blond land on the ground with a thud.
"Now do you see the difference on out strength," Kimimaro said in an emotionless voice.
' Damn, I used all of my chakra already,'
Naruto thought with a frown, 'I have to rely on my taijutsu.'
The blond stood up shakily and smirked at Kimimaro before charging towards him. The Sound ninja scoffed and took out another blade from his right palm. He swung the blade but Naruto spun to his right at the last moment and only got a slight cut on his right rib. The blond was now inside of Kimimaro's defenses and used his left hand to punch him on the chest. Before the fist could make contact, bones stuck out of Kimimaro's chest and impaled the blond's fist.
Tsunade cringed at Naruto's scream of agony. The blond pulled his hand away from the bones but as soon as he did, he received a punch to the jaw. Tsunade could only watch as Naruto was being knocked around by Kimimaro like a ragdoll. The Chunin couldn't do much except close his eyes at each strike he received.
' No,' Tsunade thought as she watched Naruto run at Kimimaro before being kicked away. The blond stood up and charged at the Sound ninja again, this time Kimimaro allowed him to get close before stabbing Naruto through the stomach with his blade. 'No!' The legendary medic watched as Naruto spat blood and life started to leave his eyes. She had to help. She wouldn't allow Naruto to die, he would accomplish his dreams and she would make sure of it!
"Let him go!" Tsunade yelled as she appeared next to Kimimaro and delivered a punch to his stomach. The Sound ninja managed to reinforce his body with bones but was still knocked aside like a ragdoll before losing consciousness.
Tsunade wasted no time and begin to look through Naruto's wounds. The blond had internal bleeding and some of his digestive organs had been impaled by Kimimaro's blade. She began to use her medical jutsu to heal Naruto and grew worried when she saw how hard he was panting. If she didn't stabilize him quickly he would go into cardiac arrest from the loss of blood.
The legendary medic's hands were covered in blood but she didn't care. All that mattered was healing Naruto and making sure that he would be able to realize the dream where many others had failed. As she began to heal his organs she was surprised to see that they were already healing in a fast rate, no doubt the fox was healing Naruto in order to remain alive. She was soon finished closing his wounds but the loss of blood couldn't be recovered with medical jutsu, she would need to find a hospital.
"T-Tsunade…" Naruto muttered weakly.
Tsunade grew worried. "Don't talk or you'll make it worse," she instructed as she began to work on healing his broken jaw, "I'm going to get you patched up but you need to take it easy,"
"Alright…" Naruto said with a slight chuckle, "Looks… like you're not… afraid of blood… anymore."
Tsunade gave a small smile and nodded. "You have to rest for now. It will help you recover faster."
Naruto's eyelids became heavier and he nodded weakly before losing consciousness.
Sunlight entered through the window of a hospital room, making Naruto stir from his peaceful sleep. The blond's eyes opened slowly and he grew confused. He didn't know why he was in a hospital or where exactly he was. This was not a Konoha hospital since it lacked the all-white rooms. This hospital room was a light blue and had a window overlooking a village that he was unfamiliar with.
' Where am I?' Naruto asked himself in slight worry, 'What happened to Jiraiya-sensei or Tsunade?'
Naruto heard the room's door began to open and turned towards it, hoping to find some answers. The blond got a confused look on his face when he saw Shizune enter the room with a smile. "I see you're awake," she said with a smile, "How are you feeling?"
The blond tried to respond but his throat was hoarse and he broke into a fit of coughs. Shizune was quickly at his side and gave him a glass of water that he gladly took. "Where am I?" the blond asked weakly once he was done with the water.
"You're in one of Konoha's neighboring villages," Shizune explained, "You were brought here after being badly hurt by a Sound ninja."
Naruto nodded in understanding. "Where's Jiraiya-sensei and Tsunade?" he asked with a worried look, "Are they alright?"
"They're quite well," Shizune said with a smile, "Lord Jiraiya managed to blow up Orochimaru's base while Lady Tsunade brought you here and healed you."
"That's good," Naruto said with a smile as he brought a hand to his chest. He gave an odd look when he felt something around his chest and found it to be the necklace Tsunade had been wearing.
The door opened once again revealing Tsunade. The legendary medic's eyes widened when she saw Naruto awake and smiled. "You're finally awake," she said with a hint of relief on her voice, "You really had us worried."
"How long have I been out?" Naruto asked.
"You've been unconscious for four days," Tsunade said with a sigh, "Seriously kid, why did you sleep so long?"
Naruto chuckled sheepishly. "Sorry about that but those Sound ninja were tough," he responded before he lifted his new necklace and showed it to Tsunade, "Why am I wearing your necklace Granny Tsunade?"
Tsunade got a tick mark on her head but ignored the 'granny' comment. "That necklace used to belong to my grandfather, the First Hokage," she began. Naruto got a look of disbelief and looked at the necklace in awe, "By giving you that necklace it means that I'm giving you my support."
"Support for what?" Naruto asked in confusion.
"My support on your dream of becoming Hokage," she explained as she approached Naruto. Tsunade leaned to Naruto's forehead and gave it a small kiss, making the blond blush in embarrassment.
"What are you doing?" Naruto exclaimed in embarrassment, "You can't be doing that out of nowhere."
Tsunade smiled, it had been the same reaction Nawaki had whenever she kissed his forehead. "Relax brat," she said with a smirk, "That was to show that I have complete confidence on you."
Naruto grinned. "I promise I won't let you down but being Hokage isn't my only dream," he admitted with a smile, "I also plan on becoming strong enough to take care of all my precious people."
"To do that you'll need more training," Jiraiya said. He had just arrived and was sitting on the window with his arms crossed.
"Can't you ever use a door Jiraiya-sensei?" Naruto asked with a frown.
"Now, where would be the fun in that," Jiraiya said with a chuckle.
Two days later the group was making their way to Konoha. The reason they hadn't left a day after Naruto woke up was because Tsunade said he needed more rest and she would castrate anyone who didn't listen to her. During this time Tsunade had grown very protective of Naruto to a point where Jiraiya called her Naruto's unofficial mom. She had punched Jiraiya through a wall for saying that though she never denied it.
Naruto had gotten to know Shizune and grew to view her as a type of older sister. She was nice to him and even let him play with Tonton, whom Tsunade had left with one of her contacts for safekeeping. The group had grown close and Naruto couldn't be happier, he finally had an idea of what having a family was like.
They were currently only a few miles away from Konoha. Naruto was exited to get there because that would mean he could train again since Tsunade had forbidden him from doing it since she was still worried over his injuries. It was true since Naruto still had bandages on his head and most of his upper body.
"I can't wait to get back!" Naruto declared with a smile, "I haven't had ramen in so long that I'm forgetting what it tastes like."
"It's only been a few days," Jiraiya muttered with a sigh.
Naruto frowned. "What are you talking about?" he asked, "We've been gone for about nineteen days."
Jiraiya face faulted. "You were actually counting," he asked in disbelief.
"Of course," Naruto admitted with a smile, "I've been counting the days where I didn't have ramen and they were like hell since I could only eat hospital food and you're cooking all this time."
Jiraiya smirked. "Are you sure it's been hell because of that?" he asked as he gave a knowing look to Naruto, "Are you sure you didn't just miss your girlfriend?"
Naruto blushed. "Ino's not my girlfriend!" he declared with a bright blush.
"When did I say the name Ino?" Jiraiya asked with a smirk.
Naruto growled with a blush on his face as Jiraiya broke into a fit of laughter. "You'll pay for that Jiraiya-sensei," the blond muttered before walking towards Tsunade and whispered something to her.
"WHAT!" Tsunade screamed in anger. Jiraiya gulped in fear when Tsunade approached him with a death glare, "Did I just hear that you made Naruto read your smut?"
Jiraiya's eyes almost fell out of their sockets and he began to shake in fear. "I... I didn't," he gasped out in fear before receiving a punch that sent him crashing into a tree.
"If I ever find you trying to corrupt Naruto again, I'll beat you to death," she declared before continuing to walk with an embarrassed Shizune trailing along. Naruto stood back and threw Jiraiya a smirk, showing that he had gotten his revenge.
"That was truly evil kid," Jiraiya muttered with a whimper.

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