One Final Struggle!

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Naruto roared in rage, a powerful shockwave rocking the area, kicking up clouds of sand and powerful winds. Red Death gripped her scythe tightly, the jinchuuriki was only using a portion of the Kyuubi but it was still enough to leave a mark if she wasn't careful. Crimson eyes glared into hers and time seemed to stop. Both Whirlpool survivors glared at each other before a chakra arm shot out of the jinchuuriki's stomach.
Red Death cursed and swung her scythe, creating a powerful stream of fire. Naruto's eyes hardened as the chakra arm grew close to the attack. Adding more demonic chakra, the arm seemed to flare up and easily broke through the attack without losing momentum. The chakra arm punched at the enemy but it was suddenly blocked by an invisible force around the enemy ninja.
The jinchuuriki scowled and applied more force against the kind of barrier. The chakra arm flared up once more, pushing even harder against whatever was protecting Red Death. Cracks suddenly formed around the ninja before the arm finally broke through with the sound of breaking glass. Naruto smirked as the chakra arm wrapped around Red Death's body.
"I finally got you!" the jinchuuriki exclaimed as he raised the arm high before crashing it against the sand with a loud crash. The Chunin relaxed his stance before hearing a familiar 'poof' coming from the area of impact. His eyes widened as he focused on where Red Death's body should be but found nothing but sand, "Dammit."
Naruto slipped into his taijutsu stance as his eyes scanned the area for any sort of movement. A gasp escaped his lips once he spotted a sign of movement to his right. In an instant he charged at the source with his eyes focusing on the figure ahead. Another chakra arm ripped out of the red cloak surrounding the blond and headed straight for the enemy.
Red Death raised her scythe, small sparks of lighting gathering around it before the blade turned a bright color blue. The jinchuuriki frowned and ran through hand signs, hoping to be fast enough. The enemy ninja swung the scythe against the incoming chakra arm, breaking through it with no trouble before charging at the jinchuuriki with her scythe raised above her head.
"Wind Style: Air Bullets!" Naruto exclaimed as powerful blasts of wind shot out of his mouth. Red Death's eyes widened as the attack made contact with her torso, followed by three more blasts of wind. The jinchuuriki growled when he saw that his attacks didn't even push the ninja back. His eyes narrowed in confusion as the ninja grew closer. Suddenly a blast of realization hit him just as a bright yellow light glowed around the scythe.
"Shit!" Naruto cursed as two chakra arms shot out of his back and dug into the sand. Red Death stopped her run and pointed the scythe at the blond. The weapon shook almost uncontrollably from the amount of chakra it had absorbed. The Whirlpool ninja's eyes glared into the blond's as a yellow blast of chakra exploded out of her scythe.
Just as the attack was about to hit, the jinchuuriki was suddenly thrown into the air by the two chakra arms from earlier. The Chunin watched as the yellow blast of chakra exploded against the sand, kicking up sand everywhere. He would have been dead if the attack hit, there was no doubt and he knew for a fact that he had to find a way to deactivate the seals around Red Death's body.
This was no easy feat though. In order to do this he would need time to think of his next move which was hard to do with the amount of hate being poured into his system. His control over the bloodlust of the Kyuubi was fading and he would soon be reduced to an almost mindless beast. With what little common sense he had, the jinchuuriki gathered that the best thing to do would be to break through the seal with pure power.
Judging by how the scythe had been shaking he knew that there was a limit to how much chakra it could take. It was logical, in his clouded state of mind, that if he were to use the fox's chakra against the seals then they would break.
Naruto's eyes hardened, his field of vision blocked by the amount of sand moving through the air. He caught view of a shadow and released more demonic chakra that pushed the sand away from the area to reveal Red Death standing before him with her scythe on hand. The jinchuuriki snarled as he got into an all fours position, looking at Red Death like a predator would look at its prey.
Red Death frowned and gathered chakra around her blade. This time a tint of blue gathered around the edges as she twirled it on her right hand. The blond's eyes focused on the ninja before he charged at her on all fours. As the jinchuuriki ran he produced another chakra arm that shot at the ninja just as she swung her scythe.
A blast of water shot off the scythe just as the chakra hand took hold of Red Death, instantly clenching tightly around her body. She held back a groan of pain as her attack crashed against the jinchuuriki's face, throwing him back a couple of feet.
The jinchuuriki fell hard on the sand but managed to keep his grip on Red Death. He growled as the chakra hand clenched tighter on the enemy. The Whirlpool ninja grit her teeth in pain, the chakra arm not only squeezed her body painfully but it also burned her skin. She held back a smirk when she caught sight of the growling blond, it seemed he hadn't caught on to what she was about to do.
The rational side of Naruto took note of something, Red Death wasn't struggling against his hold on her. If she wanted to break out of the hold he knew for a fact that she would have done so already. Another wave of demonic chakra poured out of his body, immediately silencing the rational part of his brain and filling him with bloodlust. Who cared it she wasn't struggling, that only made it easier for him to kill her.
"You're a fool…" Red Death muttered with a smirk beneath her gas mask. The jinchuuriki's eyes hardened on his enemy as he clenched the chakra hand, earning a short gasp from the Whirlpool ninja. "This arm is made of chakra…" she managed through gasps for air.
Naruto's eyes widened when a blast of pure red chakra shot out of the arm, immediately releasing its hold on the ninja. The jinchuuriki quickly ran away from the area but wasn't fast enough. The blast of chakra impacted against his right arm before the blond was hurled through air from the impact.
Naruto heard a piercing scream, a sound filled with pain and agony. He suddenly found his eyelids heavy but tried to open them to find the source of the scream he had just heard. It wasn't until now that he felt a numbing pain shoot through his right arm. His eyes caught sight of a blurry figure right on top of him but before he could ask himself what it was, he felt something hard impact against his stomach. The jinchuuriki's eyes widened as he crashed against the sand, Red Death landing a few feet behind him.
' Was it me? Was I the one that screamed like that?' Naruto asked himself as he fought to stay conscious. The world around him was blurry and his body was numb, clearly from the beating it had received. 'How the hell did this happen?'
he tried to figure out just how Red Death had left him on this state so quickly. She hadn't been kidding when she said that she was holding back.
His body began to shake uncontrollably. He found it harder to breathe and his consciousness was slipping. The sound of footsteps echoed on his head as he tried to keep it together.
Red Death walked towards the fallen form of the blond with a firm gaze. The Konoha shinobi's arm was a complete mess. Pieces of skin had peeled out of his arm, revealing part of muscle tissue with the rest being blocked from view by the amount of blood running down his arm. There was also a little trail of blood coming out of his mouth, no doubt from the kick to the stomach he had received while sailing through the air.
"Stop right there!"
Red Death's eyes widened at the roaring voice coming from behind her. She quickly turned around to come face to face with a man she had known most of her life. In front of her stood Ayumu, her old sensei, with a stern look on his face.
"What do you want?" Red Death growled with a glare, "It's not like you to get out of your little village, sensei."
Ayumu kept a stern gaze as he took a quick glance at the blond. "I came here to correct something I can't overlook any longer," he stated, "I thought that meeting another Uzumaki would change your views but I can see that you've sunken too low to be saved."
Red Death pointed her scythe at her sensei. "What makes you thing that you can even get near me?" she spat in anger, "You're nowhere near where you used to be, you're only an old ma-"
A shot of wind struck against Red Death's torso, pushing her back a few feet before absorbing the chakra through her seals. The Whirlpool ninja charged at her teacher and swung her scythe, cutting through the man without much trouble before he phased out of view. She quickly altered her chakra but nothing happened. Much to her shock, she hadn't been in a genjutsu but her sensei had just simply vanished out of view.
Four kunai suddenly landed around the Whirlpool ninja, her eyes widening in shock as chakra shot out of them and created a kind of barrier around her. "Whirlpool Sealing Technique," the man began from his spot near the blond. He quickly ran through hand seals and focused his chakra, "Explosive Barrier!"
The kunai blew up simultaneously, encasing Red Death in a powerful explosion. Sand shot out in all different directions, creating powerful gusts of wind that spread throughout the desert.
Ayumu panted slightly before turning to the blond with a look of worry. He kneeled next to him and looked over his condition. From the looks of things most of his arm had been burnt off and he had received multiple blows around his whole body. By the way his body had shook earlier the blond would probably die if left unattended.
"Don't worry young one, I'll get you patched up," he muttered as he reached into his coat and took out a couple of seals. The man unzipped the Chunin's vest before reaching for a kunai. He quickly ripped through the white shirt the blond had bought only recently. If he was to help the Leaf ninja then he had to slap the seals into his chest and stomach in order for them to take effect on his whole body.
Upon ripping the shirt the man's eyes widened, seeing a complex seal on the ninja's stomach. A small amount of malevolent chakra came out of the seal constantly and spread around the wounds on his stomach. "A jinchuuriki…" Ayumu muttered with a sad look on his face. He took a seal and slapped it on the blond's chest. Green chakra immediately came out of it and spread around the Chunin's body.
He took hold of his other seal and set it gently on Naruto's arm, earning a light groan from the blond. Since there was a seal on the shinobi's stomach then he couldn't disturb it with another. Once again, green chakra poured out of the seal and enveloped the blond, this time focusing on his arm. Ayumu watched as the seals healed the blond, blood stopped pouring out of the jinchuuriki's arm and his skin began to heal.
' It seems the demon inside of him is speeding the process exponentially,'
Ayumu watched as the skin on the shinobi's arm healed up and left it as if nothing happened. 'There's more than meets the eye. I'm sure his arm is not completely healed but, somehow the dangerous wounds were the first to close. How interesting…' whatever tailed beast the blond had inside him was a powerful one.
Naruto stirred before slowly opening his eyes, widening upon recognizing the man before him. "What are you doing here?" he asked in confusion as he tried to sit up but was stopped by a stabbing pain shooting through his right arm.
"Careful," the man instructed as he helped the blond sit up.
The Chunin watched the man with a look of confusion. "So, what are you doing here?" his eyes suddenly widened as he began to stand, shaking slightly as he did so. Ayumu stood up and lend a hand to the blond, carefully putting him in a standing position. Naruto bit back a groan of pain as his eyes darted around the area, "Where's Red Death?"
"I managed to catch her in one of my attacks," Ayumu responded as he looked at the cloud of sand not too far away. "It's not enough to stop her but that's why I'm here. You can't do this by yourself kid, I'll be able to help you a bit," he smiled at the look of worry that washed over the Chunin's face, "Don't worry about me. Just because I'm old doesn't mean that I can't take care of myself."
"What happened to me?" Naruto asked as he clutched the seal tag attached to his chest. He furrowed his brows when he saw another one attached to his right arm, "What do these things do anyway?"
The man chuckled. "Those seals contain healing chakra, similar to that of medic ninja," he explained, "This seals speed up the healing process of the regular body, however, by the looks of things your body heals faster than normal. That added to the thing locked inside of you made my seals work at exponential rates."
Naruto nodded as his eyes narrowed on the cloud of sand. The fact that the man knew about the Kyuubi made him feel uneasy but he didn't have time to linger on it, for now he had to go over what he could use against Red Death. He quickly went over his conditions and knew he wouldn't last even a minute of fighting anyone, much less Red Death. His right arm was in a terrible amount of pain as was his stomach. The endless amount of chakra reserves he had were considerably low. If he didn't think of anything he would die in less than a second. He appreciated the man's help but he knew that he wouldn't last long either, he was already panting slightly and a bit of sweat trailed down his face.
The cloud of sand finally cleared to reveal a furious Red Death glaring at her foes. The gas mask was now completely gone as was her brown cloak. Her pants and shirt were burnt in different places, the many seals on her clothes were fully exposed. The only thing that remained intact was the scythe gripped tightly on her hands.
"You will pay for this old man," Mayu growled.
Ayumu suddenly chuckled, taking the other two ninja by surprise. "I'm sorry, I just find it a bit funny yet sad that the few last Uzumaki are prepared to kill each other," Mayu glared at the man while Naruto's eyes hardened on his enemy. The man cleared his throat before throwing a dismissive hand at the two before his eyes grew cold, "Don't worry though, I know that words can't change what's about to happen. You have gone too far Mayu and it's my duty to take you down."
Mayu glared at the two as sparks of electricity gathered around the blade of her scythe. "You won't be able to kill me, sensei," she began, "You're way past your prime. By the looks of things you can barely stand right now."
The man's eyes hardened on his student, she was too far away from his reach now. "Young one…" he muttered to the blond with a solemn expression on his face. Naruto threw the man a curious glance as he reached into his cloak before pulling out a couple of seal tags and handing them to the young shinobi, "I know you're not completely healed but I need you to do something for me."
"What is it?" Naruto asked as he eyed the tags before stuffing them into one of the pockets on his pants and focusing on Mayu.
The man kept his gaze on their opponent, an almost look of sadness on his eyes. "I'm going to use a special attack on her," he began, "The seals I gave you will keep her and I from moving. When I give the signal I want you to use them without hesitation. This will require chakra so be careful not to waste any, got it?"
"Got it," Naruto replied with a look of cheer determination on his face.
"Then let's end this," Ayumu stated as he charged at Mayu.
"We're almost there," Shikamaru stated as he and Gaara ran to the battlefield. The jinchuuriki had arrived with a badly wounded Kankuro on his arms. He told them that Naruto was left fighting Red Death and that he would need immediate help. The lazy Chunin had told Temari to take Kankuro back to the village while he and Gaara tried to help Naruto out.
"Good," was Gaara's reply as he hurried his pace. There were no more traces of the demonic chakra that had run through his system only minutes ago.
The Chunin looked at the large clouds of sand in the distance with a scowl on his face. "Remember that we have some traps set up. We'll make use of them when we're close enough," he explained, "When that time comes I want you to keep going while I stay behind to make sure it all goes according to plan."
The jinchuuriki nodded, keeping his view on the battle ahead. Shikamaru's eyes grew serious as he went over several plans on his head just in case their trap didn't work. With things going as they were, he was sure that they had a small chance of coming out on top. They didn't need to kill Red Death, only stall.
Right before Temari left he had instructed her to try to get a Jonin to help them get out of this alive. He knew for a fact that Red Death was way above Genin or Chunin level. For some reason she seemed to hold back in all of their encounters, something that didn't go unnoticed by his sharp eyes. If she were to get serious then they were all in big trouble unless they received the backup that was needed.
' We're counting on you Temari,' he figured as he continued to run through the desert.
A powerful set of lightning bolts shot through the air at an incredible speed. Naruto watched the incoming jutsu and quickly jumped away from the area, ignoring the shot of pain that went through his whole body. As he sailed through the air he quickly ran through hand signs before letting out a cry of pain, his right arm aching horribly.
"Dammit," the Chunin growled as he landed on the sand before taking out a kunai. He quickly flung it at Mayu, inwardly smirking when she jumped away. The area behind her exploded, hurling her through the air. He quickly charged at the ninja as he took out another kunai.
"Stop kid," Ayumu ordered as he ran after the blond.
Naruto stopped dead on his tracks upon hearing the command, eyes widening when he noticed the wind going through the scythe. Mayu swung her scythe, shooting a powerful gust of wind at him. Trying to ignore the pain, the Chunin quickly ran through hand signs before being pulled away from the area by a hand gripping his left arm.
"Don't charge at her," Ayumu scolded as he pulled the Chunin away from the area. He threw a quick glance at the gust of air crashing against the sand before stopping on his tracks, letting go off Naruto, "She's not going to play around anymore. Stick to whatever long-distance attacks you have, if you get close she'll kill you within a second."
"I can't use chakra remember," Naruto argued with a frown, "How am I supposed to fight?"
The man frowned, watching his old student charging at them with her scythe on hand. "Don't worry about fighting. Just make sure to use the two seals I gave you when I give the signal," he explained, "Pay close attention."
"Got it," Naruto nodded but suddenly froze when he realized something. If he was to use two seals at the same time then he would need to attach them to two kunai and throw them at the same time, obviously. The problem with this was that he could only use one arm, using the other to throw a kunai would only be dangerous and stupid. His eyes hardened when he realized a clear solution, all he needed to do was get two clones to use the seals, but to do this he could only use one hand, "Dammit."
Ayumu charged at Mayu, reaching inside his robes before taking out a paper tag. The Whirlpool kunoichi saw this and swung her scythe once more, this time creating a large fireball that shot at her sensei. The man watched the attack get closer and closer before he raised his right hand, holding the seal on his open palm. The seal shone brightly as the attack made contact with the man's hand, before it began to absorb the attack.
"What?" Mayu growled as she gathered wind chakra on her scythe.
Ayumu smirked as he pointed the tag at the kunoichi before it shone in a yellow light. Mayu's eyes widened as a blast of yellow chakra exploded out of the seal and shot at her. Knowing that she wouldn't be able to dodge the attack she quickly swung her scythe, creating a blade of wind that headed straight for the blast of chakra. The two attacks met in a powerful collision, kicking up sand and wind alike.
Naruto shielded his eyes from the sand. It was clear that Ayumu was a lot stronger than he let on. He took a glance at the old man and frowned, he looked really tired and his legs shook from time to time. It was obvious that he was struggling to stand, if he didn't give the signal then he would need to enter the fight once more.
"Naruto!" Ayumu exclaimed as he ran at Mayu once more. The man pulled his cloak open to reveal dozens of seals attached to it, "Do it now!"
Naruto's eyes focused as he used a hand sign with his left hand, pouring all of his remaining chakra into it. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" two clones appeared at his side, both with determined expressions on their face. The Chunin felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him, his chakra reserves close to non-existent, by the looks of things using only one hand to cast jutsu took a large amount of chakra. Not wasting any time, the blond quickly gave them each one of the seals he had been given.
The clones quickly ran at the two ninja, both stopping on either side of them. Both clones poured all of their chakra into the seals, making them glow a bright blue, before they both dispelled. Chains erupted from the seals and wrapped tightly around both ninja, earning a surprised look from Mayu.
"What is this?" Mayu exclaimed as she tried to break free but found that she couldn't move.
Ayumu chuckled as he closed his eyes. "I made these myself," he opened his eyes, showing a hint of sadness, "This chains not only hold us in place, but they also absorb our chakra into the seal where they're coming from. The perfect way for me to use my special seals."
Mayu's eyes glared into the man, a snarl escaping her lips. "This won't be enough to kill me," she turned to face the blond ninja. He was on his knees, panting heavily with sweat running down his face, "I know why you helped him but it won't make amends for what you did. For what you helped create. Killing yourself before she finds you won't change anything."
Ayumu gritted his teeth, his eyes glaring into his once student. "We all make mistakes," he stated with a defiant look on his face, "I will atone for mine by stopping your mindless revenge! Now we both die!"
The seals around the man's seals shone brightly before they began to burn. Mayu's eyes widened as her sensei became enveloped in bright blue chakra. The man let out a scream of pain as the chakra flared violently around the two ninja, kicking up powerful blasts of wind and sand around the area.
Naruto gritted his teeth as he struggled to stand in place before he felt a hand on his back. "Gaara?" his eyes widened in surprise, seeing the redhead look at the scene before them with a calm expression, "How'd you get back so fast?"
"That's not important," he stated as he pulled Naruto to his feet. The Sand ninja quickly formed a sand barrier around Naruto and himself just as the Ayumu's attack let out a powerful explosion.
Pieces of the sand barrier broke from the cheer force of the blast. Gaara frowned as he worked to reform the barrier around them but found it hard to do so from the amount of force pushing against it.
"It won't be able to hold on," Gaara stated as the barrier weakened. Naruto nodded with a frown.
The blond Chunin watched as the barrier cracked under the strain before finally breaking into grains of sand. As soon as it broke the two jinchuuriki were hurled in the air before landing on the sand in a painful thud.
"Dammit…" Naruto cursed as he sat up, trying his best to ignore the pain on his arm. His eyes widened when he took note of the area around him. There was a large crater where Ayumu had been with no traces of anyone around.
"What happened?" Gaara asked. The blond turned to see the Sand walking towards him with a few injuries on his body.
The Chunin frowned and gazed at the area around him. "An old man named Ayumu used an attack to take Red Death down," he scowled, looking at the aftermath of the attack, "He sacrificed himself to take her down."
Gaara crossed his arms with a monotone expression on his face. "I see," he calmly responded, "That was honorable of him."
Naruto chuckled lightly as he got back to his feet. His legs shook lightly under the strain, his right arm hurt horribly and his stomach ached horribly but other than that he was okay, not counting the chakra exhaustion he was experiencing.
"You look relieved…" came a voice behind them. Naruto froze, recognizing the voice. The two jinchuuriki turned around to see Mayu standing before them with a look of fury on her face. Her shirt and pants were burnt in several areas and she no longer held her scythe, "You will pay for this brat."
Naruto gritted his teeth in frustration.
'How the hell did she survive that?' he screamed on his head. Mayu seemed impossible to defeat and he had run out of ideas. There was little he could do against her anymore, his chakra was next to none at the moment and he knew for a fact that Gaara didn't have much left either.
"What's wrong? Can't believe I'm alive?" Mayu mocked with a frown. She clenched her fists as she glared at the two shinobi, "You seem to have forgotten that I have many seals around my body. I managed to absorb most of the chakra from the explosion and used it to create a barrier around myself. It seems that old fool died for nothing."
The area around Mayu suddenly exploded before everyone's eyes. Gaara quickly took hold of Naruto's arm and pulled him away from the area before it also broke into several explosions. Large clouds of sand filled the area, blocking everything from view.
"What was that?" Naruto asked in shock, his eyes darting around the area.
"Those were the explosives we set up," Gaara explained, "Shikamaru stayed behind to detonate them."
Naruto nodded as the cloud of sand cleared up to reveal a panting Mayu standing before them with a yellow barrier around her body. "You brats!" she exclaimed as she charged at the two ninja, fury written all over her face.
"Blade of Wind!"
Mayu's eyes widened as the air around her suddenly shifted before slicing through her torso. Blood splattered out of her chest as her eyes darted around the area before landing on the culprit. A Jonin with half of his face covered stood behind the two jinchuuriki with his right hand extended.
"Baki," Gaara deadpanned with an almost relieved expression.
Baki frowned as he looked over Mayu's condition. "It seems you kids gave her a run for her money," he began as he nodded at the two, "Good work."
Mayu gritted her teeth. There was no way that she could take on a Jonin at her current state. Large part of her chakra reserves were gone, she had a few wounds on her body and she was clearly outnumbered. If she was to fight now it would surely result in her death.
"Damn…" she muttered as she put a hand on her left arm, pouring chakra into a seal. She turned to Naruto with a frown on her face, "We will meet again and when we do I'll make sure to kill you. I might have missed my chance since I didn't fight seriously but there will be more. Unlike Ayumu, I won't care if she finds out I killed you."
Before anyone could move Mayu suddenly disappeared in a cloud of smoke, leaving no trail of her whereabouts. "Get back to the village, you're mission is over," Baki informed with a frown on his face. "I'll go look for her. She couldn't have gone far," with that the man ran away from the area.
"I guess we're done," Naruto declared with a sigh of relief. This mission had been way over their capabilities, it was lucky that they had survived, "Let's get going."
Gaara nodded as the two began to trek back to the Sand village with the blond struggling to walk, wincing with each step he took. He suddenly felt an arm wrap around his ribs and the other taking hold of his left arm.
"You're too hurt to walk all the way back to the village," Gaara deadpanned as he helped the Chunin walk.
Naruto chuckled as the two continued to walk. "Thank you," he replied. As things were, he knew that the Sand jinchuuriki was serious about trying to change. He was glad that he was trying, he had no doubt that they would be great friends. The Chunin suddenly sighed out with a weary expression on his face, "I could really go for some ramen right now."
"Ramen?" Gaara muttered with a confused look on his face.
The blond gasped in shock, what he was hearing was clearly some kind of sick depraved joke. "You've never heard of ramen?" much to Naruto's shock, Gaara shook his head. "That's going to change soon," he declared with a grin on his face, "Next time you come to Konoha I'll take you to Ichiraku's. I'll invite Ino too, it'll be great. You haven't met her, have you?"
"I believe I haven't," the Sand ninja responded with a thoughtful look on his face, "Is she one of your precious people?"
Naruto smiled. "Yeah…" he admitted, "She accepted me for who I am and what I hold inside. I'll always protect her no matter what."
Gaara nodded before his eyes caught sight of someone walking towards them. He tensed for a moment before noticing that it was Shikamaru with his hands in his pockets. Before he could tell the blond he suddenly felt him go limp.
The Sand ninja quickly turned to the blond to see that he had fallen asleep. "Lucky guy," Shikamaru sighed as he approached the two. He moved next to the blond and wrapped an arm around his left ribs, helping Gaara with the weight, "We're going back to the village right?"
"Yes," the jinchuuriki responded with a nod, "According to Baki, our mission is over now."
Shikamaru nodded as the two conscious shinobi began to walk once more. Their mission was apparently over and the lazy Chunin couldn't be happier. The mission had been a major pain in the ass, if it hadn't been for the Sand Jonin Temari had called then they would surely be dead at the moment.
He sighed, it was too troublesome to think of such things. If it hadn't happen then he wouldn't linger on it, what was the point? For now, all he could do is think of getting back to the village. An almost wistful expression graced his face as he let out a yawn.
"It's finally over," he muttered with a frown.

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