Chapter 12- Wind

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Athena POV... 

We were standing on a dormant volcano overlooking the entire forest, "Do you remember this place?" He asks.

"Of course I do, its where I always use to come, when the world seemed overwhelming and confusing, I somehow find-"

"Strength," he finishes the sentence for me.

"How did you know I was going to say that?" The fox came and sat and lay its head on my leg taking in the view.

"I've taught many warriors, some who just come here to learn to fight for revenge, those who came here to learn control, and then there are those that are staring down at us," he looks up at the sky.

"Apollo, Zeus, Poseidon, Ares, and the list goes on, they were all my pupil, they were the only one who seems to always sneak off and come here, and when I ask them why they all said that exact same line."

"What are you trying to say?" I ask.

"Have you ever realize whenever you're angry, the wind picks up, or whenever you're uneasy, it blows away your stress, trying to comfort you in a sense?" 

"That's just a mere coincidence."

"You might be right, think about back what Gabe said, how he made you angry, how he belittled you and made you feel like you were worthless."

I inhaled deeply, and soon the air became chilly, I exhaled and soon the wind started to pick up, "I knew the second you had come to my camp you were different."

I exhaled deeply and calmed myself, the same time the air became still and warm, "was that why you treated me the worst," I look at him.

"Do you remember the first time you held a sword, and you started to fight with such ruthlessness?" He asks looking down at me.

"I needed to prove myself."

"No you were cocky, so I humbled you, people who are cocky die the easiest, true you were good, heck you are the best I have ever had, and you advanced the fastest, you needed to learn control, and patience."

"That's why you paired Heath with me because we were both a wreck."

"No, it was because you both were broken, he had recently lost his sister, and your best friend," I swallowed hard, whenever the topic of Heath's childhood came up it was always a touchy subject, "and if my memory fails, you were no different from Heath, except he was hellbent on revenge, he couldn't wait to get a chance to get his hand on the man who ripped his sister away from him and tortured, and killed his mother."

"Does he still have those nightmares?" I ask.

"He does, even to the point where he doesn't sleep anymore, all he does is train and I worry for him, even after years of teaching him about forgiveness, I still think he's out for revenge."

I turn and look up at him, "wouldn't you?" I ask. 

This was the first time I have ever seen him speechless, he looks up into the sky, "I know what it's like to seek revenge Athena, and it only leads to one road, destruction." The horn back at the camp started to sound, "Someone infiltrated the campground."  

He started to run back to the campground, with me and the fox behind him, soon we were at the campground before I had thought that Edward and his goons were here. But instead it was just a large wild boar, the men already had there spears, and swords trying to wound it.

His fur was matted with dirt, with twigs and leaves poking out. His tusk was sharp, and the boar, angry almost looking like he was possessed, "How did he manage to get through the trap?" I ask.

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