Chapter 2

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The whole F4 group was together. Jun-pyo was playing his racing game as usual. Ji-hoo was reading, and Woo-bin and Yi-jeong were playing pool. But, somehow the atmosphere was different to Ji-hoo. He felt like Woo-bin and Yi-jeong were hiding something because every once in a while Woo-bin and Yi-jeong would take the time to whisper in each other’s ears and snicker at whatever was being said.

“Woo-bin, what have you been up to today?”Ji-hoo asked curious to know if he’ll lie like he did to Jun-pyo today.

“I raced Yi-jeong today. Apparently he’s now the fastest runner.”Woo-bin said smirking and glancing at Yi-jeong who was rolling his eyes.

Ji-hoo set his book down while answering, “Ah I see. How come you didn’t invite us to watch? We were both free.”

Yi-jeong let out a long sigh before answering, “We didn’t invite you both because Jun-pyo is kinda annoying us with his constant raging about Jan-di.”

Woo-bin nodded and went back to playing pool. Jun-pyo let out a frustrated groan as he played his game. Ji-hoo found the part about Jun-pyo being annoying true but the racing part is still hard to believe.

“To tell you the truth I think Jun-pyo might have a little crush on Jan-di.”Yi-jeong said with a smirk, “He’s always constantly picking on her.”

Jun-pyo glared at Yi-jeong and continued playing his game. Ji-hoo was watching Woo-bin’s and Yi-jeong’s actions really closely trying to figure out what they were hiding.

“Well, I think I’m going to go home.”Yi-jeong said as he put his pool stick on the pool table, “It’s getting late.”

Everyone told him goodbye and he left. Woo-bin came over and sat in the seat next to Ji-hoo smiling like a fool. Ji-hoo was starting to figure out what went on. Woo-bin and Yi-jeong must have gotten girlfriends. Ji-hoo smirked as picked his book up and began to read it.

“So how’s the pranking coming along, Jun-pyo?”Woo-bin asked.

“She still hasn’t backed down.”Jun-pyo answered, “Wait until she sees what I’ve done on Monday.”

Everyone knew that this whole pranking thing wasn’t going to end until one of them gave up.

Meanwhile, Yi-jeong was sitting alone at his house thinking of Woo-bin. He knew that his brother and Father would never approve of him being gay. Not only did he have to hide his secret from his family, but he also had to hide his secret from his friends. He was sitting in the kitchen drinking some tea when he got a text message from Woo-bin. He was asking him what he was up to. Chuckling he replied to his text message with, “Nothing really. I’m just sitting here drinking some tea.”

Yi-jeong sat there staring at his cup that was almost empty and smiled. The thought that kept replaying his mind was what happened at school today. When he was finished drinking his tea he got his pottery stuff out. While he was making pottery, Woo-bin snuck in the door and up behind Yi-jeong putting his hands over his eyes. 

"Guess who."Woo-bin whispered in Yi-jeong's ear. Smiling Yi-jeong answered, "Song Woo-bin?"
Woo-bin was now grinning from ear to ear and asked, "I've always wanted to learn to do that. Could you teach me?" Yi-jeong smiled and replied sweetly, "I'd show you if I could see."

Woo-bin smiled and removed his hands. Even with his eyes closed, Yi-jeong made a beautiful pot on the spinning table. Yi-jeong moved off of the bench and told Woo-bin to sit there. Woo-bin sat down and put his hands around the spinning clay. Yi jeong stood behind him and set his head on Woo-bin's shoulder as he helped him form the clay. Woo-bin let out a frustrated groan. He couldn't form his vase good. Not even with the help of Yi-jeong.

"I just can't form it right."Woo-bin grumbled as he got up.

Yi-jeong sighed and went over and washed his hands. He looked at Woo-bin and said, "Practice makes perfect. Besides, I don't find anything wrong with what you made."
Woo-bin frowned and walked over to the sink to wash his hands. Yi-jeong put the pottery stuff away and asked, "Did you notice how Ji-hoo was acting earlier today?"
Turning around to face him, Woo-bin replied, "Yeah...I don't think he bought the lie I said today."
Woo-bin noticed the worried expression on Yi-jeong's face and walked over to him cupping his face with his hands.
"Do you think he suspects something?"Yi-jeong asked. Woo-bin leaned forward and kissed him before saying, "I doubt if he suspects a thing...Don't worry about it."

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