Chapter 11

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Ga-eul couldn't sleep at all that night after what she heard. Not only was the guy she was crushing on gay, but she was also positive that no one else knew Woo-bin and Yi-jeong were gay. It was finally morning and she could hear the other walking past her house to get breakfast. She was exhausted but not to exhausted to rush to get dress so she could catch up with her friend Jan-di.

Unfortunately, Jan-di was busy talking to Jun-pyo. Ji-hoo was sitting at the end of the table stirring the sugar into his cup of tea. Woo-bin and Yi-jeong were missing and Ga-eul knew where they were. Jun-pyo noticed that Woo-bin and Yi-jeong were missing and decided to go look for them. That gave Ga-eul the chance to tell Jan-di about last night.

Meanwhile at Yi-jeong's, Woo-bin and Yi-jeong were sleeping. Little did they know that the door was still unlocked from when Woo-bin went for a walk late last night after Yi-jeong fell asleep and that Jun-pyo was on his way over to Yi-jeong's house first since it was the closest. Jun-pyo knocked on the door but there was no answer. So he checked the knob to see if it was locked and then came in. His jaw dropped when he saw his two best friends sleeping together. Jun-pyo now realized that Ji-hoo was right when he had said they were gay.

"Oh my god!"Jun-pyo yelled in shock, waking up Woo-bin.

Woo-bin's eyes widened at the sight of Jun-pyo standing there looking at them. He couldn't very well tell him it's not what it looks like because either way nothing could be said to prove it wasn't. He motioned for Jun-pyo to be quiet and to wait for him outside the house. When Jun-pyo left, Woo-bin got up. Yi-jeong let out a groan as he rubbed his eyes and looked at Woo-bin.

"Go back to sleep, Babe."Woo-bin said as he slid on his clothes that he had came in, "I'll be right back. I have to go talk to Jun-pyo about something."

Yi-jeong nodded and turned back over. After Woo-bin was sure Yi-jeong was asleep he slipped out the door and behind the corner where Jun-pyo was standing, still in shock from what he just seen. Woo-bin was afraid of the consequence Jun-pyo was going to give him for what he had found out. He didn't care what punishment he got as long as Yi-jeong didn't get hurt.

"I can't believe what I just saw, Woo-bin."Jun-pyo said as he shook his head in disgust, "How long have you guys been keeping that a secret?"

Woo-bin was starting to get angry at how Jun-pyo was acting and hissed, "We been together for a while now." Jun-pyo didn't like Woo-bin's tone a voice and slammed him against the wall of the house and said, "Don't you dare raise your voice to me, faggot." Woo-bin punched Jun-pyo in the face and twisted his arm behind his back and said, "Don't ever call me a faggot and if you call Yi-jeong a faggot I'll fucking kill you." 

Jun-pyo cried out in pain and said, "Ok ok! I'm sorry. I just can't believe you kept that a secret from me and that both of my best friends are gay." Woo-bin scoffed at Jun-pyo's apology like it was an inslut, "Jun-pyo, I know you were spying on us yesterday. Ji-hoo put you up to it, didn't he?"

Jun-pyo was shocked that Wo-bin had noticed that and said, "Yeah. He said you two were gay and needed to be kicked out of the F4 club." Hearing that, Woo-bin hissed in disgust, "He's gay too. Why do you think I attacked him? He was going after Yi-jeong." Shocked by Woo-bin's statement, Jun-pyo asked, "How many more of our members are gay? Ga-eul? Jan-di? Who else?" Woo-bin rolled his eyes and release Jun-pyo's arm before he broke it. "Listen."Woo-bin said as he ran his hands through his hair, "I don't care what you do to me. But, don't you dare hurt Yi-jeong."

After a few hours of talking, Jun-pyo happily accepted the fact that his three friends were gay. But, was highly upset with Ji-hoo for trying to make him kick his friends out of the club. Even though Yi-jeong and Woo-bin didn't completely come out of the closet. They still spent their days spending time with each other and having fun. While Ji-hoo spent all his time being eaten up with jealousy until he finally accepted his friend's feelings for him. As for Jun-pyo and Jan-di, they are now engaged.

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