Chapter 4

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Yi-jeong was laying on the couch reading a book while Woo-bin painted his flower pot. Yi-jeong couldn't help but wonder what Ji-hoo wanted to discuss tomorrow. Yi-jeong let out a frustrated sigh and set his book down on the side table. Woo-bin noticed the frustration and turned to look at him.

"What's wrong?"Woo-bin asked as he set his paint brush down, "You've been irritable ever since you talked to Ji-hoo earlier."

Yi-jeong picked up the TV remote and turned the TV on. "Nothing...Nothing at all." Yi-jeong grumbled.

Woo-bin let out a sigh and got up. "Don't be like that." Woo-bin said as he walked over and sat beside the couch blocking Yi-jeong from seeing the TV, "Tell me what's wrong." Yi-jeong tried to push Woo-bin out of the way, "Move."

Woo-bin was starting to get frustrated at his behavior. He wanted to be available to listen to Yi-jeong's problems. But, he doesn't make it easy when he acts the way he does.

"Did something happen between you and Ji-hoo?"Woo-bin asked cupping Yi jeong's face so he was looking at him. Yi-jeong frowned and said, "Nothing. I just have to go meet him tomorrow." Woo-bin kissed the tip of his nose, "It'll be okay. I'll take you." Yi-jeong smiled, "You don't have to." Smiling, Woo-bin kissed Yi-jeong and said, "I know."

Yi jeong's mood started to change. He no longer felt frustrated and upset. Woo-bin smiled and kissed Yi-jeong again this time longer and more passionately. Yi-jeong tried to pull Woo-bin closer by the collar of his dress shirt. Woo-bin snickered against Yi jeong's lips and pulled away. Woo-bin straddled Yi-jeong and leaned down to kiss him again. Yi-jeong wrapped his arms around Woo-bin's neck. Just then, Yi-jeong's cellphone rang. Woo-bin pulled out of the kiss and looked down at Yi-jeong.

"It's Jun-pyo."Yi-jeong said looking at his cellphone.

Woo-bin nodded in acknowledgement and leaned down and started kissing Yi jeong's neck. Yi-jeong answered the phone, "Hello?" Jun-pyo sounded irritated as he greeted Yi-jeong and told him about his Mom arriving. "You know your mom won't approve of Jan-di because she has no business."Yi-jeong replied trying to ignore Woo-bin. Jun-pyo let out a frustrated groan and explained that his Mom doesn't know about Jan-di yet. "Well you're better off not telling her about it."Yi-jeong replied as he tried to push Woo-bin away from his neck. Jun-pyo said that he had to go and then hung up.

Woo-bin started to nip at Yi-jeong's soft spot on his neck. Yi-jeong let out a small moan, causing Woo-bin to snicker.

"You realize you just let two tubes of paint dry and ruined a paint brush."Yi-jeong said as Woo-bin kissed his neck. In between kisses Woo-bin said, "I'll buy you new ones."

Meanwhile, Ji-hoo was laying in bed tossing and turning dreaming about Yi-jeong for some reason. Ji-hoo flew up right in bed woken from another dream. They were awkwardly quite pleasant to Ji-hoo. But, the fact that Yi-jeong was in the dream was what bothered Ji-hoo. He had never dreamed about him before. Ji-hoo reached over and grabbed his cellphone. He scrolled down his contacts and stopped shortly at Yi jeong's name and debated on whether or not he should call him. But, he went down to Jan-di's name and called her. She didn't answer her phone so he called Jun-pyo.

Sleepily Jun-pyo answered the phone and greeted him. "Hey. Sorry for calling so late."Ji-hoo said as he shifted in bed. Jun-pyo asked what was on his mind that he was calling so late. "What would you do if one of your friends"Ji-hoo asked. Jun-pyo laughed and explained that he wouldn't really care as long as they didn't ruin the F4 reputation. "Ah ok. I was just wondering."Ji-hoo answered as he yawned. Jun-pyo then asked if Ji-hoo knew more than he did. "No...Normally you know before us."Ji-hoo answered. Jun-pyo agreed and then talked to someone in the background beside him. "Well,I'll let you go. I probably woke you up." Jun-pyo denied and said goodbye.

Ji-hoo hung up and set his cellphone on his nightstand. Letting out a sigh he laid back down in bed and went back to sleep.

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