chapter 4

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Leia pov

I was walking to the library to meet up with my brother harry when I felt my self get pinned to the wall and I saw it was pansy packison and her gang she said " listen potter draco mine not yours now am going to teach you a lesson girls let show her who boss " they started to beat me up bad and use one of the unforgivable curses i let a scream of pain then they stop and beat me up again i was coughing up blood they left me to bleed to death I couldn't keep my eyes open I heard a voice " Leia noo stay with me little sis " I went unconscious.

Harry pov

I heard screaming I ran to wear it came from by the time I got there my little sister was bleeding to death on the floor I shouted my sister name she went unconscious I kneel down by her I heard footsteps coming I saw professor mcgonagall,  professor snape and  Dumbledore  . Professor snape said " what happen here mr . potter ?" " I heard screaming I ran to where it came from and by the time I got here I saw my little sister like this." I said he nods picked up Leia and we all ran to the hospital wing madam pomfery came in and saw her in the horrible condition and made everyone go out but me madam pomfery got to work on my little sister I hope she survive .

A few days later

Leia pov

I woke up in the hospital wing i see madam pomfery come over and come  over she said " are m.s potter you gave everyone quite a frighte you been unconscious for 15 days we went thought you weren't going to make it but you have your friend m.r malfoy and your brother been visiting you do you remember what happen to you " " yes pansy packison and her gang she pinned me against a wall telling me to stay away from draco and sge said " mine not yours now am going to teach you a lesson girls let show her who boss " they started to beat me up bad and use one of the unforgivable curses and beated me up again and left me to bleed to death." I said will groaning in pain she nods her head and walk to her office I see harry run in and saw me he said " little sis your awake never scared me like that I wasn't sure you make it . I don't want to lose you sis I only found you and your my only family left I don't want to lose " I put a hand on his left cheek and made him look at me and said to him " never think about losing me am a fighter harry so what been happening scince I was unconscious " he told me alot I said " wait harry did you say petrified by looking in something " he nods I said to him " harry it's a basilisk that perfiring muggleborns only the heir of slytherin can control it and am the heir to slytherin your not but how can I if I was in here for 15 days and it's in the chamber of secreates I know where it is but am helping you " Madame pomfery come over and said I can go I transform my hospital clothes into my uniform . I ran to the third floor bathroom and I went in and saw moaning mytrle i smile at her and said " hello myrtle you look lovely than ever " she smile at me and floats away i go to the sink and hiss open it did i slide down and walk to the door and hiss open again I went in and saw a boy who had deep brown almost black he had deep brown hair almost black,  lovely facial features he saw me and summon my wand I transform into my amungius form of a white Serbian tiger and went to attack him he smirk and said " stuperfy " my body was frozen in my amungius form he bend down and stare into my eyes they flashes red the boy said " ah your harry potter little sister , you create your own  holocruxe and you are in slytherin , you grew up in wools orphanage I went to you want revenge on people who think your weak isn't that right " I couldn't do anything but then I managed to break free from it and transform into my normal self and said to him " your right tom riddle or should I say voldemort  " he pinned me against a pillar and made me look at him and he serductively said " your right Leia potter we are not so different we both raise in the same orphanage and both slytherin and much more you can do much more thing's with me join me,  be my queen leia just take my hand and we can rule together forever " I heasiteate and then took his hand he pull me close to him and lifted my chin and  kiss me I was surprised by it and melt in his and kiss back he said " you made the right decision to join me my queen but I must warn you I have to kill harry your brother first dear " I turned it to my amungius form of a boa constructor and slithered up tom arm and wrapped herself around his shoulders and flicked my snake tounge out at him. 

Tom pov

I had Leia potter my as my queen we both raise in the same orphanage and both in the same house she potter little  sister I could use that as a advantage I sigh and stroke her in her amungius form wrap around my shoulders while she asleep I must wait until she of age to give her my love so our magic core bound together   she must be 18 years old so I will stay in her head if potter destroys my journal then I heard the entrance open I said to Leia " wake up your brother has found the entrance hide behind a pillar " she slither off my shoulders and went behind a pillar and transform back in her normal self I smile at her .

Leia pov

I made a fake replica of tom journal i put his real one in my robe pocket and I saw harry and tom began to speak  ( play video below)

Harry came back and killed the basilisk and got the fang out his arm and went to stab tom ' diary ' ( the fake one) nothing happened tom aka voldemort smirk and said to harry " the posion from the fang will kill you and I shall return " " my sister will stop you voldemort " harry said I turn into my amungius form of a boa constructor and slithered up tom arm and wrapped my self  around his neck  I hiss softly at tom he kiss my head harry eyes go wide and said " little sis is that you what happen to you " tom said tom him "  she is a snake now she can't help you I turned her into the snake now it time for you to die potter  AVADA KERDAVA " harry fell dead tom aka voldemort smirk and said to me " we must go I will apparate to my old home riddle manor " he apparate us away.

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