Chapter 1

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Authors note:


Hey guys this is my first book I've ever written but I need to say after this I won't upload until like a few days because 1). It's Christmas 2).im busy apart from 28th -30th 3). My birthday on the 1st jan so I'll be busy Follow my fan acc on instagram - Leblanc_and_family to know when I'll upload next and get spoilers of the next chapter💘


Annie Leblanc
13 years old (Hayley's older sister)

Hayley Leblanc
9 years old (Annie's younger sister)

Katie LeBlanc
37 years old (Annie and Hayley's mom)

Billy Leblanc
39 years old (Annie and Hayley's dad)

Paige Danielle
28 years old (Annie and Hayley's cousin)

Hayden Summerall
12 years old

Jimmy Summerall
38 years old (Hayden's dad)

Jayden bartels
13 years old (Annie's best friend)

9 years old (Hayley's best friend)

More characters are in the book but I'll introduce them later.

Annie's POV:

It was 4am and I woke up to my mom shaking me awake 🙄. "Come on Annie wake up we're going L.A today" My mom said putting the camera all up in my face, I twisted and turned and finally got up. I had a shower , brushed my teeth and got dressed , by the time I was finished it was already 5am! I went downstairs but then got sent back up by my mom because I still had wet hair i quickly dried it and put it up in a cute yet messy bun. "ANNIE COME ON WE STILL HAVE SECURITY TO GO THROUGH" shouted my mom. "Coming!"

At the airport:

We got to the airport and went through security everybody but Hayley hates it . My mom gave us some money to go get some food and snack and we vlogged "Hey guys im with Hayley and we're going Starbucks to get a few snacks , mommy said she has a surprise when we get back to them so Im making Hayley walk really really fast . You probably already know that we're going L.A butttttt you don't know thattttt we're..... your gonna have to wait to find out but anyways byeee" Me and Hayley ordered something for everyone and then mommy texted me to get a vanilla frappe and a few cookies , little did I know it was for Paige.We got back to mommy and she did a bit more vlogging "so Annie and Hayley the surprise is that Paige is coming with us and also the surprise for you guys is we are living in L.A!!!" "NO WAY" then paige comes out and hugs us.

Hayley's POV:

I was so excited that Paige was living with us because back in Maryland Annie would always leave me out for her friends. I was even excited that our L.A friends would meet our dogs. I'm happy that we're moving to LA I'll get to see my friends more often. Our seatings went mommy and daddy then behind them me near the window , paige in the middle, and Annie at the end.

Skip to the apartment:

Back at the apartment we done our usual tour " Hey guys we are finally in L.A and thankfully it's actually early since we got on the plane at 6am but anyway here's the tour so we have the kitchen the sitting area mine and Billy's room and then we have ,Hayley and Annie's room we also have an upstairs lounge area and Paige's room but we might decorate the Lounge area to be something else . Anyway after we unpack and get comfortable me and billy are going target and I believe the girls are going to the pool or gym right ?"Katie asks "YEP" Annie says "Nooooooo " paige moans "Anyway we're gonna go unpack also everyone we still have our house in Maryland so when we go back we don't stay in a hotel and also because that's where bubba died💘. " She shut the camera off

Annie's POV:

Skip to the afternoon:
" so guys we're back at the apartment and it's 2pm we've been working out for one hour and a half then went to the pool for half an hour then came back here, mommy and daddy are at target buying some furniture for the apartment then I think we're going to meet Jayden,txunamy and someone else she's bringing, we have one week before we begin work and all the tiring stuff🙄 but I'm gonna go watch some tv or something byeeee"

Later that day:

Paige's POV:

Katie was calling me whilst we were watching a film so I went to the girls room "hello Katie" "hey can you take the girls out to go meet Jayden,txunamy and Hayden we will meet up later after we put all the furniture in" Katie said "yeah course I can, Hayden who by the way ?" "Hayden Summerall the one we saw last time we were here " Katie replied "okay sure bye" I ordered an Uber and told the girls to get ready " I texted Jayden's mom and she said to meet them at city walk.

Annie's POV:

Vlogging: "K heyy guys we just got off the Uber and we are meeting Jayden, txunamy and someone else I don't know them properly but yea , we're at city walk and we're gonna go eat after mommy and daddy get here with our new Tesla it's also really really cold but oh well see you at dinner or maybe before " I shut the camera and put it in Paige's bag. I saw Jayden near the fountain and I ran up to her and hugged her tightly

Hayley's POV:

"No one told me that we were gonna see txunamy today" I said to Paige "supriseeee" she said chuckling . Me and txunamy saw each other and hugged for what seemed like forever "i missed youuuu!" Said txunamy " I wouldn't say the same but then I would be lying" I laughed. Txunamy and I went other places with her mom and agreed to meet back in an hour at dinner

Annie's POV:

After me and Jayden finally let go😂 I noticed a familiar face it was Hayden Summerall ,the boy I saw last time in LA but didn't really speak to him "oh sorry hi I'm Annie" I said "it's fine I'm Hayden" and he went in for a hug . I hugged him so it wouldn't be weird . We all hung out until mommy and daddy got here. We all walked to chipotle and sat down there was a table for me,Jayden,Hayley,txunamy and Hayden then the adults were separate I sat near Hayden , Hayley in between txunamy and Jayden after we ate we all went our seperate ways . Back in the car mommy was vlogging"hey guys so we're back we didn't vlog dinner but we went chipotle and we're all tired and probably won't be functioning back at home so question of day time " mommy says "ou ou ou I have one whats your favourite season ?" Hayley says Paige and I said Winter then everyone else said summer

Authors Note:

Hi how did you like that first chapter I've already wrote 2 chapters and a half the second chapter which will be up some time this week here's a teaser from part of the chapter:


Unknown: Hi this is Annie right?
Annie: Ye y, Who's this?
Unknown: It's Hayden from yesterday
Annie: Oh right ok hi how'd u get my number
Contact changed to Hayden
Hayden: I asked Jayden
Annie: Okay
Hayden: I was wondering if you wanted to got out to the frozen yogurt place with me just me and you
Annie: just me and you, as in us, alone
Hayden: Ye , problem?
Annie:No, no problem at all
Hayden:great it's a date😉
Annie: uhh okay ☺️

Btw guys I have no WiFi so i don't know if this is even gonna upload but oh well I have chapter 2 completed and nearly modern on chapter 3. To Long to short ?? Comment 🤞🏼💙

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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