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I'll keep the rules mostly the same as before in the first awards! Here we go, let us get this over with shall we? 

1. Please follow my main account: coolcourtney5 You do not have to follow this awards but please feel free to! <3 

2: Please add this contest to a reading list if you can. 

3. I want no hatred to be shown. If you don't win, or you don't like someone's story please do not take it out on someone in this awards. That includes fellow participants, judges, and myself. 

4. Password is the title of my latest novel.

5. Please enjoy the contest!! 

6: Follow your genre judge <3 

7: All entries must be under 25k reads. 

8: Your story must have at least 5 chapters, unless its poetry or short story. 

9: You are free to enter as many works as you please, however only one entry per genre and the same novel cannot be in different genres. 

10: Only stories in english

11: Follow the rules pwease. <3 

Hey! This isn't a rule buuuut!! I would love you forever if you check out my novel Kindred Spirit!!!! Thank you <3  

The Chaos Awards: 2!Where stories live. Discover now