-To keep frozen-

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Ochako's P.O.V
        'Today's another day' I thought as I was getting out of my bed and turning off my alarm clock. I grabbed my uniform and got dressed, brushed my teeth, and headed down stairs. I saw my mother with a pan over a large fire on the stove, cooking breakfast. 'Hmm.. fire.... and my warm hand....' Wait.. OH MY GOSH I HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL AND SEE BAKUGOU-KUN AND FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!! Ahhhhh!!!! Maybe I can avoid him and sneak away and out of sight for the whole day? Hmm.. I'll just act like I didn't see him yesterday yeah...'
" Sweetie are you alright? You seem pretty deep in thought there." My mother said as she handed me the eggs and pancakes.
"O-oh, I'm fine mom... I'm just thinking about my test today; yeah my test." I rushed out, hoping she believed me.
"Alright... have a great day at school..." She said as she kissed my forehead and took a glance at my hand.
"Thanks mom!" I ran out with my bag and finished the last of my pancake.

Bakugou's P.O.V

What is happening to me... and why did I have a dream about angel face and why can't I stop thinking about her!!!?!!! Ughhhh... maybe she put a spell on me with her little alien powers.  Anyway or another I'm going to find out! Bakugou thought as he got ready for school.

Uraraka's P.O.V
Time skip to school• During the last class till lunch•

Hmmm.. why does it feel like someone or something is watching me.....-RINGGGG''''' Ugh the lunch bell, now I need to sneak out of here... " H-hey Uraraka-chan!" Deku-kun said as he and Iida-san came up to me.
"Hello Deku! I need to head to the little ladies room, I'll be with you in a moment, you guys go on ahead!"
"Ok.... see you then!" They replied.
'Ahh such good friends. It might take me longer to sneak to the lunch room so I didn't want them to get suspicious.
"HEY!" Said a load noise right behind me. I turned around slow and saw...

Authors/No ones P.O.V

Bakugou came to Uraraka and grabbed her arm a little tightly, not caring who was listening or there.
"You're coming with me!"
"W-Wait! Ahh!"
A few spectators where there and decided to sneak and watch, carrying cameras....

Bakugou left the classroom, went outside, and went to a corner he thought was secluded all while dragging flustered Uraraka the whole time.
'His eyes are so focused and confused.. and maybe a little mad too...' Uraraka thought as he backed her into a wall unintentionally, her not noticing. "What did you do to me yesterday angel-face!! Put a freakin spell on me or something!! If you did, take it the @$&k off!" He yelled getting closer.
"I-I didn't do anything yesterday! I don't know what you are taking about all I did was touch you! Okay maybe that came out wrong but you were there!" Uraraka said.
The spectators by now where video taping and taking pictures of everything..... this was perfect for the school paper, since drama and relationships were on the low right now.
" So you didn't do anything?! Making me feel like this!" He started to get frustrated.
Uraraka could beat Bakugou's fire in a color contest about now.
"Nothing.... kinda.."
"What do you mean kinda!!?"
He yelled leaning closer growling into her neck 'unintentionally'. Uraraka decided to do what her mother did to her when she was a child and was mad. I hope this works...' she thought.

"If i-it makes you feel any better, I can give you a hug?....."
She took that as a yes and wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed as hard as she could.
Bakugou did nothing but breathe and be shocked about how she actually did it and how it was actually working.
She pulled away feeling cold but satisfied.
"T-hank—-" Bakugou started, having trouble.
They both heard the camera take a photo and turned around. The people looked petrified watching Bakugou's eyes light up with anger, smoke coming out of his ears.
Bakugou's P.O.V

What was that..... I turned around and saw extras taking photos and videos.... they will pay!!!!
No ones P.O.V

Uraraka stood there shocked and watched as Bakugou chased the people down leaving her alone.  She flushed red and ran inside missing most of lunch, but still met up with her friends." Why are you so late?" Iida asked. " I had to finish make up work, sorry about that guys..." She felt bad lying to them, but what would happen if she told anyone about what just went down over there...
Bakugou would certainly kill me then hah... he felt so warm though... makes me want to do that again. Uraraka thought as she started to take a bite out of her p b and j sandwich.

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She certainly didn't know what had in store for her tomorrow.  Frozen on printer paper and having to replace the school paper committee with a certain  someone who caused that mess Also with getting mad and seeing her injury..

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