Hello Again Beacon Hills

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"You both are nothing, but lapdogs to us who can't do anything right and we're sick of it!!!" yelled Derek

Alex screamed as Isaac grabbed her arm and twisted it. She felt her bone push out through her skin feeling her blood spill out and onto the cold hard ground. The same place she fell only a few seconds afterward.


Alex turned her head to see Jackson through Stiles against the tree, in the center of Derek's old burned down home, with all of his strength. The human boy had feel to his knees in defeat, but not before giving Alex a clear frontal view of how sever his injuries were. They had only been on the Hale preserve no more than 5 minutes and now they were on the ground in agony from the punches, throughs they were taking from their "pack members". The people they thought they could trust with their lives were more the one's betraying them. Stiles had blood running across his face from the gash on both his forehead and cheek, a busted lip, a broken nose, both of his eyes were black, he was missing 3 of his back teeth, his left hand was twisted in the wrong direction from trying to soften the blow of hitting the tree and his clothes were torn to shreds. He looked as if he could die at any moment. Alex on the other hand didn't look so good either she had a broken arm, a cut going from her cheek to her chin, 3 patches of meat and blood on her legs, bruises were starting to form on her back and she had a yellow bruise on her side. She couldn't help, but feel hatred and sorrow she couldn't believe that her friends and her boyfriend were doing this to her and Stiles. Her eyes widened in shock and fear as Allison raised her bow and arrow and aimed for Stiles.

"You both really are pathetic,"the huntress chuckled"did you honestly think that we cared about you? Why would we care about playthings"

Once Allison finished her sentence Scott retracted his claws and clawed five deep marks into Stiles chest. Alex struggled to get toward him, but Boyd punched her in the chest causing a cracking sound and the breaking of a couple of her ribs. Allison looked Derek in the eye and him, Lydia, Scott, Isaac, and Erica backed away from torturing Stiles just a millisecond before the arrow pierced the human boys chest. An ear piercing scream shot from out of him as not only did the arrow pierce his chest, but Derek picked Stiles up, pinned him against the tree and plunged the arrow deeper in his mate. The Alpha breathed on Stiles neck and bit it leaving a hickey while, also ripping the bottom of his mates shirt and throwing it to the ground.

"I thought that you loved me?" Stiles coughed with his voice raspy and blood coming out of his mouth

"I could never love a worthless murderer. Do you have any idea how the families of those people you killed feel? No you don't because you are nothing, but a monster. Truth be told you were just a little fuck toy..something to play with when I got bored the only reason that I ever fucked you was because Scott dared me to. I would NEVER love you. You're just a pathetic waste of air that fucks everything he can. You are NOTHING to me" Derek said as he twisted the arrow

"That's bull-" 

"No it's not Stiles it really isn't. I never loved you. How could anyone ever love you?," Derek said retracting his claws and edging them towards Stiles side"Your own mother couldn't even love you. She knew you were a mistake the second she saw you" and with that Derek shoved his claws into Stiles side and clawed in deeply.

"STOP YOU'RE KILLING HIM!!!! STOP!!!!!!! LET HIM GO!!!!!!" Alex screeched in rage

She struggled to get up, but the pain of her ribs was too great. Boyd then pushed his hands a little harder into her causing a little CRACK! sound to be heard. Alex then shifted her head and tried to coil away as Isaac walked over to her. She had only been afraid of one person in her life ,her father, but now she was scared of the one person she thought could never make her feel vulnerable her boyfriend, her mate.Once Isaac squatted down over her and retracted his claws Boyd walked over to where the rest of the pack were taking turns spitting on Stiles and kicking him.

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