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Brooklyn waited impatiently for Jessica to start laughing and say it was a joke and she was just pulling her leg, because what she stated was absurd and utterly ridiculous. But after about two minutes of silence, Brooklyn realized how serious she was and that was when she became stunned.

She was so stunned that she somehow forgot the blink or breathe, and that was how she was bent over catching her breath a minute later clutching her chest to grasp for air.

Being kicked out of one's home had became common in today's society, whether it was for valid reason or not, or that it's the right thing to do, it shows no qualms as to how bad of a turn it will take.

The reason why it was unbelievable was because not only Jessica came from a happy, stable, family, she was also one of those daddy's girls that gets away with what she wanted most of the time. She was so loved, it was sometimes disgusting when Brooklyn went to visit.

Jessica was an only child, so that gave the incentive as to why they were so protective of her. Her family was one of those who would literally break walls with their bare hands if they have to to save her from danger. It doesn't matter that it was impossible, they will find a way through it.

So it made no sense that Jessica was kicked out. They were too overprotective for that.

"Are you serious?" Brooklyn asked stupidly, dumbfounded by what Jessica said. It's hard for something to sink in when there were things keeping it afloat.

The tears started spilling from Jessica's eyes again, "yeah. Daddy got so mad at me he said he couldn't stand looking at me anymore and sent me packing. I'm sorry to share this burden with you but I have nowhere to go," she sobbed.

"Stop crying," Brooklyn scrambled from her place to stand beside her friend, pulling her head to her stomach as she tried her best to calm her down. Silent tears or downright bawling, same difference, she still doesn't know what to do. "What happened?"

"I-" she hiccups, "I don't want to talk about it. I'll tell you another time, I promise, the wound still hurts too much."

"Okay," hushed Brooklyn, running her fingers through her hair, "you can tell me when you're ready. You need a place to crash?"

She nodded, "yeah."

"What about your other friends," Brooklyn asked questioningly. Jessica was a friendly person in general, she never had problems making friends because people usually like her the moment she says something.

"I don't talk to our high school friends anymore and my college friends only care about themselves. They're all just fake piece of shits," she told her, "except you."

It was good to know the after everything, she still had a friend that kept her faith in her. But there was a problem, "I would love to help you but I don't live in my house anymore. It's crawling with an emotionally unstable man and it's not safe there."

Jessica's brows knitted, "then where do you live. Please tell me you don't live in the streets. Shit, you don't, right?" she asked in concern, "You do?" she shrieked when Brooklyn doesn't answer.

"No no no no, I don't. Don't worry about me," Brooklyn said, "you should worry about yourself. I can call up the guy that I'm living with, ask him if you can stay too, but I don't know what he'll say."

"Please?" she asked hopefully, "I have nowhere else to go. Actually, I can stay at your house if you let me."

"What? No!" Brooklyn scoffed, "Why would you even think that. Did you not hear the part where I say my dad is unstable?"

Brooklyn's Break In #1 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now