Happy Day

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Chapter 1: Happy Day

I woke up with a wide grin on my face, it was the day before the first day of high school. Its been years since I've been to a school. My parents made me home schooled once I showed signs of super-human powers. It was awful considering I was in the first grade so I basically missed all my major school experiences. I'm also extremely happy because I get to go school clothes shopping! Oh happy day! I ran through the hall zipped down the stairs, trying not to fly because my mom hates it when I fly indoors 'cause I break things, well she hates me flying anywhere 'cause someone might see and freak. Us InHumans aren't supposed to be ourselves around norms because they won't understand, and you know what happened to the witches in Salem. When I reached the living room I found my parents dressed and ready to go. Knowing what my question will be "can we go shopping now?" I begged but I knew the answer "of coarse dear" my mom stated more eager than I was to get out of the house.

I loved shopping for all the clothes New York had to offer. I really don't notice the names of the shops I just walk into any store with a manikin dressed in really good looking clothing. After 10 minutes of walking around I finally found a statue with the outfit worthy of my viewing and strolled in. The shop looked amazing; it was decorated in a modern style most of the walls were a simple white color but some were a light brown color and others were a dark red. the manikin that caught my eye was wearing light grey jeans, a simple white t-shirt, and a light black jacket; i think it was leather. It looked great, not amazing or fabulous, just great. it almost looked like a person a bit of attitude would wear it which is good because i really wanted to change my goody-two-shoes style.

when I was done from the long day shopping I went to the InHuman HQ to hear a lecture on what not to do when you're at school, even though its the same rules as what not to do in public. The InHuman organization is a group only known to the government. Its supposed the InHumans safe from the public, more like hidden. there are many ways to become InHuman. most are born with powers but they usually have only one, others like me were exposed to a high dose but safe amount of radioactive material. The most powers a person can get by this is five. I got three powers, you already now the first one, flying. I also got superstrength (even though I don't really show it), and telekinesis. When I stepped into the lecturing room i noticed my brother Jay sitting in a comfy looking chair listening to director Frank, while some of the InHumans were staring at him awkwardly. "I don't even know why Jay comes here hes not even InHuman" I whispered to myself as i walked slowly through the crowded room,i swear this place needs more funding.

when I approached my brother he made this face that most likely meant "where in the hell were you?" and I returned it with a "why are u mad at me? Your not even InHuman." he sighed and gave directer Frank his full attention. the lecture was a little more than 30 minutes long and I was right it was the same as the what not to do in public lecture. When everyone left for home it was already 8pm which makes me wonder if the lecture really was a little more than 30 minutes. 

the drive home was short but deathly silent which made it feel a lot longer. " are you excited about school tomorrow, bro?" jay said to break the silence. " bro?" I said witt confusion written all over my face. He was about to say something when I interrupted " yes I'm very excited to go to school, it will be my first time since... since the first grade" I stated more loudly then I should've because he swerved the car and almost hit a stray cat which screeched and jumped onto a woman walking down the sidewalk. " YOU ALMOST KILLED US!!" i screamed into his face and he returned with "Me? You're the one who decided to turn off your left ear for 5 minutes" after our imaginary spot on Quien Tiene La Razon we made it home unharmed.

The rest of the night consisted of me practicing my telekinesis that one was a new power I got like three years ago. The scientist think since I was exposed to the radiation at six than 1 one-three I might develop more powers or lose them all together so far im developing new powers so... so far so good right.

As I lift a pile of old books from my shelf I wonder how my first day would be. I remember my first day of the first grade; It was scary but also exciting. I remember walking into that colorful classroom. the room shined with a bright blue color the front of the room was a bright but light yellow, bookshelves lined on the left side they were filled with children books but once in a while you would find a book written in a 5th grade level. I know that high school would be nothing like my first grade experience or like those kids in High School Musical which is a bummer I would love to sing my entire high school experience and I hope it won't end up like My Super Psycho Sweet Sixteen. I would hate it if my sibling wanted to murder me and my friends or everyone in his way.

While lying on my bed thinking to myself I notice a loud sound coming from the street; I look outside my window and get a glimpse of a red car filled with teens, I bet they were drinking. As they drove closer I shouted "Hey kids live on this street!!" and the douche in the drivers seat yeld "My bad". I hope i don't become one of them I thought to myself as I checked for the time... Damn! its one in the morning and at that instant i passed out, i was tired. 

I hope people read this cuz then this would be awkward

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