Bathroom Confessions

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 Chapter 3: Bathroom Confessions


 He hung up and I was left in my room with only my thoughts

"I wonder why he needs me?" I whispered to myself. Moments later I ran down stairs.

"Honey where are you going?" my mom questioned "Out." I said "But its nine o'clock and we haven't had dinner yet." she protested "gosh mom I can eat out, I'm just going to hang out with some friends from school." and with that I left. 

I lightly jogged to the bus stop, it was a very cold night, it took ten minutes for the bus to finally appear. I climbed in the monster sized vehicle and sat in the back, I always liked the back because its almost always empty and I can be left alone to think. There was so many alleys that I didn't know which to stop at, so I just picked the darkest one 'cause that where the scary things happen. right? I strolled deeper into the alley whispering Payton's name. The deeper I walked in the louder music got; at the end of the alley I saw a three story mid run down building. At the doors of the build sat a massively massive man. He was scary, I think he's the buildings bouncer which explains the music inside. I know I had to get inside another way, I don't exactly look eighteen.

I went around the building and scoped the area... I feel like a spy. I located a smallish rectangular window and shattered it with my telekinesis; climbing in was harder than I thought but I made it.

Inside I found myself in dark and disgusting bathroom; I couldn't see a thing "why will Payton be here?" I whispered to myself.

"To buy some coke" a sickly but familiar voice said.

"Who said that?!"

"Payton is that you!?"

"Why didn't you say anything when I destroyed that window?!!" I argued in a frustrated tone

"Because I wanted you to see me naked." Payton said in a soft tone

"Still! you shou.... did you just say that you were naked?... why?" I said with confusion in my words

"It was the only way to pay the dealers... my rich boy clothes" Payton answered

After a few moments in silents I looked around the room for the light switch; it was too dark. while walking in the room like a blind person with my hands probing my surroundings I tripped over someones muscly leg "Oww!" Payton shouted in pain. 'Why are you on the floor? Its filthy!" I barked "they chained me here." Payton admitted in the saddest way I could imagine. "They chained you to a toilet, that is torture!" I said in disgust. Now im very determine to find that switch I need to unlock his chains...this reminds me of Saw. I was walking around when a furry thing ran across my feet "Eeeppp!" I screeched "What!" Payton said in annoyance 'cause of my scream. "A..a rat!" I suttered in fear "where" Payton demanded "there" I said while pointing to the corner of the bathroom, as I pointed a four inch ball of fire flew out of my index finder and fit the corner of the room "that's new" I whispered to myself. "What was that!?" Payton shouted "I think we just saw ball lightning" I lied "that wasn't lightning it was more like fire!" Payton protested. I sighed, made a medium-small sphere of fire, stabilized it and set it down. "Look Payton I have a confession... I'm not human... well I am human but most of my DNA has been altered that technically I don't pass as one." I said fearful for what his reacton might be. Its been several quiet minutes and he still hasn't said anything. I looked up and saw him smiling at me "I knew you were different" he said I blushed a little but since of the orange-red glow from the fire it wasn't visible... Thank the lord Einstein.

"So Payton why were buying cocaine?" I asked

"I get bored" Payton answered

"You get bored that cant possibly be you answer?" I said aggravated from his idiocy

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