chapter 5 The Boat 1770 AD

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As she walked out the palace, she noticed a large barge floating in a nearby canal. The canals was murky and brown, no one had dared to swim in it for years.

She could smell roast beef coming from the boat.

Just like any dog would've done, she walked up the gangplank and onto the barge.

There was a chef roasting beef in the corner, a fancy looking lady was sat on the table.

Instantly she recognized the lady, it was her ex-masters wife.

The lady noticed the little dog just as Lanna tried to leave.

"Here Lanna Lanna!" Said the lady her face was trying to form a smile. Lanna did not fool for it, she bolted out the door and onto the pavement.

She his behind a barrel, waiting for the lady to come out.

Soon enough the lady walked down the gangplank, the chef followed.

"Here doggie doggie!" Said the lady menacingly.

"That dog killed my husband so when I find it I will stab it with this knife!!!" Said the lady drawing a silver knife.

"I would've murdered my husband anyway to inherit his money but the dog did it for me!" Shouted the lady.

"But why do you want to kill le dog?" Asked the chef.

"Because I got blamed for his murder and didn't get the money!" Said the lady angrily.

Lanna waited until the lady was right next to her barrel, suddenly she lunged at the lady's legs clawing at them forcefully.

The lady screamed in agony as Lanna continued to claw.

Soon enough the lady we a pile of flesh and the chef was running away.

Lanna stepped back to admire her fleshy masterpiece.
As she walked away, blood dripped from her knife wound from her fight with the lady, she looked at the swelling cut, it was poisoned!!!

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