Title: Goodmorning Ladies and Gentlemen, Horses and Cows. (Poem)

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Well, this is a  Poem, but this type of poem is known as a Nonsense poem, which is very humorous well it's supposed to be very humorous anyway but I never try the  humor 'Genre' so I thought  why not let's give it a shot and if I failed  everyone would know why because its just not what I'm used to but hey  you have to do,taste or make something to see if it's good or whether it will work for you too. So I am giving humor a try to see if it will work for me as well, I hope you'll like it and please votes,likes,comments thank you.  I think this Will have some of you in stitches :D. Follows too.

 THIS POEM IS CALL Goodmorning Ladies and Gentemen, Horses and Cows. Enjoy!


Title:  Goodmorning Ladies and Gentlemen, Horses and Cows. (Poem)Where stories live. Discover now