• JoinedMay 8, 2014


Stories by Writers_courage
Title: Her  Choice?  [A Josh Hutcherson Love story]. by Writers_courage
Title: Her Choice? [A Josh Hutch...
" Twenty-one year old Cleo is stuck between two Men: Josiah and Josh. Both of these Men are extremely at...
Title:  Goodmorning Ladies and Gentlemen, Horses and Cows. (Poem) by Writers_courage
Title: Goodmorning Ladies and Gen...
This is a Poem, this type of poem is known as a nonsense poem, well I never tried the humor 'genre' and I can...
Title: The Forbidden Love Affair. [Headmaster/Student] Romance. by Writers_courage
Title: The Forbidden Love Affair...
Eighteen year old shevaughn Mclairie, went to Hawaii to spend her summer break. There she met a hot and sexy...
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