Chapter 2

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Meghan slowed her pace so we were walking next to each other on the way to our dorm. She leaned into my ear and whispered, "you don't happen to be an ARMY, do you?"

"What's that? Is it a gang?" I asked.

"Is Jin oppa your bias?" She laughed lightly.

"I don't even know who the heck this ARMY is..." I replied. "I-I mean no offense!" I stuttered out realizing that I might've sounded rude.

"Ah, its no worries! I was just wondering, because I'm his younger sister." She smiled.

"And here we are! Welcome, Y/N, to our dorm!" She said throwing open the door.
My mouth literally fell to the floor.

This dorm was bigger than my house that I shared with my parents back in America?!
"Wow," was all I managed to spit out before being given a tour of the whole house- I mean dorm.


Meghan pulled me into the lunch room. More like a lunch house?

"It's huge!!" I exclaimed just a little too loud. Nearly all the heads in the lunch room turned to me. I flushed and quickly made my way to were it seemed like the line was starting. An endless buffet was laid before me. I started getting dizzy and extremely hungry staring at the food then realized that I was holding up the line. I apologized to the people behind me and ended up tripping backwards in the process, bumping into someone.


"Watch where you're going." A boy who was taller than me by at least 5 inches with the most beautiful face and hair I've ever seen in my life turned around and said. He had that 'I've been in a boy band, with Justin Bieber' light brown hairstyle that I admire more than I thought. And those eyes. As dark as mud, but absolutely gorgeous.

"Um excuse me?" I said giving him the most confused face ever.

"I don't need to repeat myself to you, you lowlife." He said hitting me with his shoulder as he walked away.

"Who do you think you are pushing people around like that?" I huffed. "You could at least apologize! And what's with 'lowlife' shit? We are most likely the same age. Get over yourself, gosh," I spit out. He didn't listen to me and just went and sat down next to 5 more of the most beautiful men I've ever seen in my whole lifetime.

No way, did that girl just backtalk to him?
Is she asking to be kicked out of this school by THE BTS?

Who does she think she is talking to Jeon Jeongguk like that?

I quickly filled my plate, ignoring all the whispers and stares as I went to sit by Meghan.

"You screwed up, Y/N, up screwed up bad." Meghan said shaking her head in disappointment.

"Well? That bitch needed to be corrected and so I did it, since it looks like no one else will."

"Do you even know who that was?" She responded.

"Uh? No?" I said as a matter of a fact and continued stuffing all of the delicious food into my mouth.

"That's Jeon Jeongguk. Of BTS." She said leaning across the table to whisper to me.

"Who even CARES?" I yelled. And once again, everyone turned their heads toward me. this time I put my head down, picked my lunch, and ran out of the lunch room.
I wasn't paying attention to anyone around me and ended up ramming my head into a guys chest.

"Yah!" I yelped in pain.

"Aish!" The guy yelped at the same time. He quickly recovered and came over to where I was hunched over holding my head. "Are you okay, Miss?"

"I'm dying!" I said as he pulled me up. Dang, he was a hot one too. "I knew it. This is the end of me, I'm being blinded by the light of your beautiful face too," I said without knowing. I immediately froze and went wide eyed. I seriously just said that?
"That's the best pickup line I've heard from a girl," he replied laughing.

"That wasn't a pickup line! Im not trying to get any guys right now. I'm Y/L/N Y/N. sorry for bumping into you."

"You probably already know who I am, so-"

"Why don't you go ahead and tell me your name, because I honestly know no one at this school. I'm new, thank you very much." I snapped before he finished his sentence.

"Hah, you've sure got the guts to talk to people like that, Y/N. I'm Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand smiling.

"Same here, Taehyung." You returned his handshake. "You are older than me, right?"

"If you are younger than 20, than yes. I am older than you," he said starting to walk and pulling you along with him.

"Ah, I'm 19. Turning 20. Next year. What do you want me to call you?" I said back.

"Okay! Cool. You can just call me Taehyung. Want to be friends?" He seemed eager to make friends, and I really needed some more of those. So, naturally, I said, "Sure! Why not?"

"Great! Well, how about tomorrow we hang out? I'm pretty sure I've seen you in a few of my classes. You could sit with me at lunch!" He exclaimed, overly excited.

"Yes, sure! I'd love to." I replied. Damn, his happiness and giddiness was highly contagious. "See you tomorrow," I said.

"Bye, Y/N!" He said running off in the other direction.


Whoah! Lookie hereee, y'all just met Taehyung! Daebak :)

I wonder what's gonna happen next, especially after running into the infamous Jeon Jeongguk, ohoho... ;)

I'll update the next chapter tomorrow, probably. No promises, 미안 😅

Alright, see ya! 안녕 👋

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