26. mourning

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    TONY STARK HAD MADE A MISTAKE. This time, it wasn't fixable. He knew he had hurt Romy, despite it being the last thing he would ever want to do. And, though he ached to talk to the girl face to face, he couldn't find himself to muster up the courage. Because he was afraid. Tony Stark was afraid. His hands were almost shaking when he opened the door to walk out of one of his luxurious cars, his eyes landing on a familiar apartment building. He walked up to it swiftly, not knowing what to expect from this visit. His thoughts were jumping around his brain, physically causing his head to pound from stress. Stress about his mistake, NASA contacting him- of course they would want her, it's almost cliche. She's a genius, why wouldn't they?

    Tony frowned at the broken elevator in front of him, wondering when they would ever get it fixed, it seems every trip he's made over (two), they never have it running. He took the stairs, running his hands over his plain black sweater casually to get any wrinkles out of the way. He mumbled his prepared greeting, hoping it was enough to get him through the door to see her. He realized as he finally reached the floor, his greeting sounded stupid. Hey kid! I was just driving around when I realized this was still in my car- Tony looked down to the tiny hula dancer that danced in the sun.

    He came up to the door, whispering to himself, "This is nuts, this is nuts.." He raised his hand to knock on the door, but it swung open before he could. His heart almost sunk at the sight of the boy, a tiny frown etched on his face.

    "What are you doing here Mr. Stark?" The teenager's voice was flat, no doubt not very happy that Tony was there. Peter didn't like him around Romy anymore, and he definitely wasn't going to allow him to slip past him into the apartment, making that clear by broadening his stance in the doorway. Tony didn't like that his Parker was so tense around him now, noticing his scowl and unwelcoming stance. Slipping the hula girl into his pocket, Tony tried peering around Peter into the apartment.

    "I'm assuming she's home." The man raised his eyebrows, not trying to start an argument with the teenager.

    "Yeah, she's home. She's not taking visitors right now." Peter flatly rejected him.

    "C'mon Pete, whats happening here? It's not like I meant what I said to her. I wasn't thinking clearly, alright?" Tony scoffed, not liking this new Peter Parker. He couldn't talk to him like this, he's a teenager. He doesn't understand like Romy does, she was different. Peter Parker was a regular boy. He has a messy room. He has private things on his phone. He goes to bed late. He's crazy about one person. Tony didn't think of Peter as Spider-Man, he only saw Peter as one thing: a kid.

    "You can't do this to her." He shakes his head at Tony, feeling overly protective at the moment, but he didn't care. She didn't deserve this .

    "I'm not doing anything. I'm trying to apologize!" Tony hissed. He was getting fed up. But, so was Peter.

    "You can't keep coming back like this, she's too good of a person to tell you no. You hurt her over and over, and you're never gonna change!" Peter ranted.

   "You don't have the right to tell me that, you haven't been with her as long as I have- you have no idea what we've been through!" Tony defended the both of them, not liking Peter at the moment.

    "At least I was there for her!" He clenched his jaw, "It's you that doesn't know what she's been through."

    "I know her better than you." Tony crossed his arms, feeling childish.

   "Really, what's her middle name?"

    "That's a stupid question."

    "What's her favorite movie?"

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