24. a mess

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    ROMY CAME OUT of the building with the rest of her stuff in tow, and set her things in between us before slamming the car door. She took a deep breath, looking back towards the tower once more. Memories rushed through her mind, moving now seemed harder more than ever. Would he be okay? Who was going to order his pizza? Who was going to tell him to stop and roll their eyes when he got hurt? Who would tease him when he's frustrated? How could I leave him behind?

    Andrew placed his hand on top of hers while noticing her hesitation. Her stare moved from the tower to him, asking, "Is this the right thing to do?"

    "Yes, I fucking hate that douchebag."

    "Alright." She started the car with no more protest and drove away, but he caught the slight glance she threw in her side mirror. And, the small frown taking over her previous, neutral expression.

✯ ✯ ✯

    Romy dropped Andrew off home, saying she had to go somewhere (Peter's), and he walked into the building quickly without her. Andrew shivered from leaving the cold air behind, jumping towards the steps and going up them two at a time. He ran into that crazy old lady on the second floor, apologizing repeatedly as he kicked her mini tree over beside her door on accident. Dodging the wack from her cane, he continued his trip up the stairs until he was bouncing in front of his door, ready to go inside and upload the photos he took of the city to his new computer (that his mother surprisingly got him).

    He opened it, slamming the door behind him with a loud thud, walking swiftly to his room and plopping on top of his desk chair. Thor mewled from the edge of his bed, and he turned for a minute to pet the kitten, scratching fondly under his ears. Turning on his laptop, he smiled at the picture of Alexis and Andromeda. Their bodies were pressed together tightly as they were wearing the same shirt that they made fun of Andrew for buying Romy, which they explained it was big enough for the both of them to fit into. Grabbing his glasses, he could see it better as he adjusted, and focused on the pure happiness and amusements on their faces. He then frowned as he unlocked his computer, the most recent tab popping up and mentally slapping him in the face. I can't do this to them. I can't do this.

    Suddenly, there were footsteps coming from his hallway, and he shut the tab quickly, not ready to reveal anything to his girls. There was a small knock at his door, and he sighed, "Yeah, come on in." Suprisingly to him, Alexis opened the door and leaned against his doorframe, a small simper on her face. "Please tell me you're not here to scream at me about something." Andrew rubbed the sides of his head, looking up at her with wide eyes.

    "I'm not.. oh, you're wearing your glasses." She mentioned, her dainty fingers intertwining amongst one another. He nodded his head, making a face and adjusting them slightly.

    "I came to apologize."

    The boy blinked, "Say that again?"

    She let out a short laugh, almost humorous but dry, which caused him to stand up, going to stand in front of her. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, biting the inside of her cheek as he came up to her, "I was never mad at you for changing, how could I be? You're better. You're better- and I'm not. I can't change Andrew, no matter how hard I try."

   "Lexi, you don't have change who you are. You're perfectly fine, there's nothing wrong with you." He shook his head, not understanding why she was here now, explaining now.

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