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Niall's P.O.V

I closed all the books I used and walked over to the older lady. "Um, can I actually barrow these books?"

She gave me slight smile and laughed, "Dear, you can absolutely take the books."

"Thank you very much! I'll be sure to bring them back when I'm done." I smiled warmly and left. "Alright, Jannie should be back soon.."

I nodded to myself and left the library. It was a pretty chill day today, it felt cool, normal. For once, it felt normal. It's been so long, it seemed liked all my troubles and everything that happened was gone. But, in reality, it wasn't.

Finally, I reached the apartment, and I was right. Everyone was here finally. "Hey guys." I smiled and sat down next to Jannie, kissing her cheek.

She smiled, "How was the library? Did you find some shit out or something?"

I nodded, "Yeah. So, I think I understand everything." I looked away from her turning to the group to get their attention.

Liam looked at me nodding, "Tell us."

I told him and the group everything. Obviously. "So, that's what I think and is sure about happened. Lilian basically called Mrs. Norway for help, since it was her last chance to do something right, and well Mrs. Norway fucked up too, needing a second chance as well. So our ancestors nominated us to help and apparently it was a coincidence we all met up throughout our adventure." 

"Niall, you're a genius!" Harry clapped his hands as Anna, I assumed, was sitting on his lap.

I laughed, "Thank you. Now that we have that cleared out, what are we gonna do? Just go along and help out Mrs. Norway? Plus, we need to get out of here fast. They're ya know..."

Biting my lip, I pulled down my sleeve from my shoulder and showed them the three slashes that these cannibalistic people created on me.

Louis closed his eyes for a second before looking at me. "Right, um, maybe we should stick with our plan still. Like, help Mrs. Norway, and then live our life yeah?"

"Am I the only one who thinks that we should get the military in this..?" Zayn piped up slightly annoyed. I shook my head, "I'm with ya bro."

"But," Liam chimed in sighing. "We can't. You know what Mrs. Norway said, we need to help her. We need to stick on our word. Plus, maybe she knows something about your guys nightmares or that thingy you guys had to do with the bathtubs?"

Jannie rubbed my back and smiled slightly. "Liam's right guys. I honestly do think that we should get the military involved too, but it's too much of a hassle and we already have too much stuff going on."

I sighed and nodded. "Alright. So, where is Mrs. Norway? Where did she take you guys too?"

"Oh right, about that." Louis smiled. "We figured out a way to get out of here since we can't just get up and leave."

"Which is...?"

Louis pulled out a piece of paper, I guess that they printed out. "Well, it helps gets us all out, which includes the innocent people who doesn't even know what the hell they're being fed. We did a little spying and found out some things. There's only 29 people here who are involved with the whole crew here. Also known as the people in charge, the rest of us are just innocent people."

"Wait." Perrie spoke confused. "How do you know there's 29 of them? Like how could you tell from innocent to the cannibals?"

"Well, 20 of them live in the big house just about 5 minutes away from here. The other 9 live in each apartment complex on the first floors too I guess, watch out for us or too keep us in check you know? And well those 29 people all have 4 slashes instead of 3. It's also placed on their forearm instead of their shoulders like us."

"Ah, smart thinking. So how do we get out then?"

Eleanor nodded, "We fight. We need to tell the innocent people what's going on. They obviously won't have a place to stay once the fight is over so before we can actually start on that, we need to find us another place for them all to settle down. Basically to create our own town or something. And, if they're able to shoot a gun and keep their selves alive, we might consider asking them to come with us to the Firefly."

"Alright, so we find a place for everyone to stay and after we do that, we tell the innocent people what's up, fight the cannibals and then take whoever to the Firefly with us? Seems legit." I nodded agreeing on the plan. "When do we start looking? We need an excuse to go out and go search."

"Well, since I'm pregnant... We might be needing to get some baby stuff, that means, we have to have to destroy every baby stuff they have here I guess. And when you guys go do all of that, I can stay here and babysit. I'll have Anne and Gemma be with me too?"

"Okay." I nodded standing up to stretch. Bad idea, I groaned. "The plan's settled for sure then. When do we start this whole thing?" I questioned them sitting down, God my knee has been in pain.

I placed my hand on my knee and rubbed it. Fuck it hurts, dammit. "We start today, I think. And are you okay? You look like you're in pain." Liam furrowed his eyebrows together confused.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think, I don't know." I shrugged it off. "Anyways, is she gonna come here then? Like soon?"

"Mhm." El hmm'd. "We can talk to her about everything today, to settle with the dates."

Jannie bite her lip sighing, "I'll start dinner, I'm starving."

"And I'll kindly help because I'm starving as well!" Perrie stood up and followd Jannie to the kitchen. I picked up Darleen and Zack, placing them on my lap.

I hugged them just as I noticed something on their back. "Fuck," 

They had the three slashes.

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