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Niall's P.O.V

I STARED at the three slashes for a moment before setting them down on the ground and rubbed my temples with my fingers. God dammit. "Niall, mate, are you sure it's alright?" Liam asked me again. He sent me a little frown before nodding towards the stairs motioning for me to follow him. 

Slowly, I stood up despite the little pain I felt on my knee and followed him to the wooden stairs. "Alright, what's going on?"

"Fuck." I mumbled again with a sigh. "Just fuck fuck fuck! The kids, they have the three slashes."

"W-What? Darleen and Zack? They have the three slashes?"

I nodded tucking my bottom lip in between my teeth. "Yeah. I don't know how. It was there last night, so it had to be recent." 

"Danielle and Zayn were watching them all day, I don't understand how'd they get it. Maybe you should talk to them?" Liam spoke confused and worried, his hand placed on my shoulder giving me a small squeeze. "Wait..."

I raised a brow at Liam, "What?"

"Well, since we still kind of use our walkie talkies," He started, looking at my through his brown eyes. "I was using the bathroom and I had the walkie talkie with me, and I don't know, I heard weird sounds. But that's all I really was able to hear."

"Oh..." I nodded again before patting him on the back.

"Wait, Ni. Are you sure you're okay? Like body and health wise?"

"Yeah. Don't worry about it mate," I sent him a small smile before making my ways towards Danielle. "Hey."

"Hey!" She smiled and set her cup down onto the table. "What's up?"

I smiled back before sitting down onto the couch next to her. "Darleen and Zack have the three slashes, and you and Zayn were watching them all day." I sighed bluntly, there's no time or need for me to settle down on small talk. I just want to get to the point of this situation.

She looked at Zayn slowly before turning her attention back towards me, "We fell asleep for an hour and I don't know. I never noticed it."

I furrowed my eyebrows together in a bunch. "Well, during that sleep did you hear anything?"

"I heard ruffling sounds but I didn't think anything of it, just thought the babies were playing with some toys and such. Look, we'll find out what happened alright? We should talk to Dar and Zack, maybe they know something? I mean, they know how to talk Niall."

"Alright, alright." I nodded and smiled at her slightly before walking off. 

But before i made more than 3 steps away, she grabbed my arm turning me around. "Niall, I'm sorry we didn't do very good paying attention to them... If anything were to happen you can blame me okay?"

Slowly, I nodded pulling my arm gently away and sent her a small smile before walking away. I decided not to talk the babies yet, I just want some time to think. I walked up the stairs and to the bedroom, a little yawn escaped my lips as I went inside. 

So much shit always happen. How did they get their marks on? For fucks sake, they're only little and yet these crazy cannibals manage to fucking burn or whatever to mark my kids?! No. We're getting out of here, fuck that bullshit. This town is fucking crazy, and I swear, it's driving me insane.

I can't deal with this shit anymore! 

Sighing, I let out a small huff of air before lying face down on the bed. 

This chapter is absolute shit, very sorry loves. I'll try my hardest for the next chapter. I'm just not feeling it today and I needed to update very badly. This is basically just a filler chapter. Sorry loves, I apologize for the inconvenience D: 

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