What- what was that?! Lainy thought. What is that doing so close to the house?! It looks like my owners- but it looks so different at the same time. The creature had a large coat on, with layered pants. She knew she shouldn't have walked closer to the creature, but there was no choice. It was blocking her path to the fence, and Lainy didn't know the outside enough to walk another way to the fence.
Once Lainy was about 2 feet away from the thing, the creature looked down on the limping tiny gray cat. Lainy's heart froze. She didn't know what she would do, or what would happen next. The creature picked up the cat, and started to yell "Hey! I got this cat!" the thing started to look at her collar, "Her name is Lainy! Hello? Anyone's cat?"
There was this thing next to the man, or at least she thought it was a man. He could talk like Lainy's owners. The machine started to rev like a car, but it was much smaller than one. There were handle bars on it like a motercycle. Lainy whimpered at the noise and the machine in general. The man realized what Lainy was scared of, and quickly turned the machine off. "Oh, haha, I didn't know you were afraid of my snowmobile!" he chuckled.
A snowmobile..? I've never heard one of those before... Lainy questioned. The man still had Lainy in his arm, and started to walk over to Lainy's owner's house. She realized what the man was doing, she struggled as much as she could so she could be let go. Lainy was never a big fan of being held. "Woah woah woah, calm down there cat- I mean Lainy!" The man tried to keep a grip on the cat, but she was struggling too much for him to handle.
Next thing you know, she was dropped on the ground. That drop really helped with my limping problem Lainy shrugged sarcastically. She ran as fast as she could, even with her limping leg. I'm finally away from that... man... Lainy thought in disgust of thinking about him.
Welp! Time to get back to my journey Lainy excitedly thought. She limped right over to the fence. Oh great, now I have to attempt to jump over this fence, when I'm limping! Lainy looked around to see if there was anything to make her jump easier. Then she saw a groundhog borrowing a hole under the fence. Hmmm... maybe I can ask that groundhog if I can go through his burrow that he made! Well, it's worth a shot. Lainy limped over to the working groundhog.
"Hey, groundhog!" The groundhog turned around to look at the gray cat. "I see you're working on making a burrow... do you mind if I can go through it so I can get to the other side of the fence?" Lainy questioned with hope.
The groundhog answered immediately "That depends... what're you gonna pay me for it?"
"Well, actually-" Lainy was cut off by the groundhog interrupting her. "Exactly. You can't do anything. You're just a good for nothing house cat that's never been outside before. Go on ahead, you can go through the burrow. Just remember... there's tons of predators over that fence that can harm you. I know you're not capable of handling them. So be very careful, especially of other cats. They're very territorial out there." The groundhog spoke his words of wisdom with Lainy listening carefully.
Believe it or not, Lainy actually took what the groundhog said to heart, and listened to him as much as her attention span could go. Lainy crouched down and got through the burrow, and hopped right out to the other side.
Kittens With Mittens
RandomThis story is about two cats, besides one is a house cat and the other is a stray cat.