Serious Talk.....

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So, I'm very sorry for not uploading. I know that I promised that I would upload and I'm really sorry. But I have my reason and they might not be enough but it's enough to affect me. So here goes nothing...

Recently I have been questioning my mental health. I've been overthinking everything. Worrying much more then I need to. I sleep during the day and stay awake during the night rethinking everything. I've been having headaches every single day. I didn't know what was wrong and I still don't. I told my mom after I went on a field trip at school that I was on edge the entire time because we was driving on a main road. She told me that I might have anxiety that I got from her. After she said that I got so scared, and I know I shouldn't because it's normal but it still did. Everything that I've been  through my whole life about worrying finally made since. At school I would be so anxious that I wouldn't talk to people I didn't know. 

For the past few days I have been researching about it. Everything I seen about anxiety, I relate to. I even took a quiz that was made by a professional about anxiety and it said I had 75% anxiety. I'm not going off on what a quiz says at all but I don't know. 

But yeah, that's been my life for the past week. I know I might be over dramatic but to me this is big. I'm going to talk to my mom about taking me to someone that can diagnose me. Thank you guys for listening to my rant! Also, thank you for your support! Bye guys!

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