The one in which I introduce myself

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Hi, nice to meet you, whoever you are. My name is Emily Paul. You may recognize who I am by my last name. Yes, I'm Logan Paul and Jake Paul's sister. A lot of people just know me because of my older brothers, and, to be honest, I'm completely fine with that.

As I said before, Logan and Jake are my older brothers. Logan is six years older than me and Jake is four years older than me.

I didn't come into this world in very good terms. My parents had already been divorced when I was conceived. I am the product of a most likely drunk one night stand Pam and Greg had after their divorce. As you can see I wasn't at all planned, but that's okay. Mom always tells me how excited Logan and Jake got when they found out she was pregnant with me.

My brothers always complain about how our parents's divorce ruined their childhood and how they wish they had never gotten divorced. Well, I can't say that, cause' when I was born my parents were already divorced so...

Two years after I was born Mom got married to David. Throughout my whole childhood my brothers and I would spend weeks shifting from Mom's house to Dad's house, since they are divorced. I never did mind doing that, even though it was tiring sometimes.

When I was 12, almost turning 13, my oldest brother Logan decided to quit college to go live in LA. Mom and Dad almost freaked out when Logan told them the news, things got a bit rocky at home but in the end, thankfully, everything worked out.

The day Logan left was one the worst days of my life. I hate remembering it.

''Honey, Logan is leaving come down here!'' My Dad called me for what was going to be one of the hardest moments of my life. My big brother, who was also my best friend, was leaving to follow his acting dreams in Los Angeles.  ''Coming'' I shouted back as I got up from my bed thinking about what I would say to Logan.

Mom, Dad, Jake and Logan were by the door saying their final goodbyes. Mom had a red face on, probably from crying, as Jake was comforting her. ''I'm gonna see you in three weeks, Mom'' Logan said giving her a hug. ''I know, I know'' she sniffled. ''I'm just getting emotional'' she said whiping away her tears.

After they pulled away Jake was the one to say his goodbyes, he was happy though. "Good luck, bro!" they gave each other a hug. ''And hum...Can I have your room?'' Jake asked cracking a smile. ''Jake!'' Mom yelled at him and snapped the back of his head. ''Ouch!'' Jake yelled holding the spot where mom hit him. ''No Jake, you can't'' Logan said shaking his head no. That's Jake just being typical Jake.

It was my turn now. Logan knew that I was going to be the hardest one to say goodbye. He knows I hate goodbyes and endings in general.

It was the hardest for me because I wasn't going to see Logan for quite a long time after that day. Mom would go to LA to help him out with business three weeks later and if everything worked out for Logan soon Jake would be the one moving out of Ohio.

But I was not gonna see him for at least 2 to 3 months until my birthday was supposed to happen. Two months is a long time for a little sister to be away from her older brother who is also her best friend, especially a 12 year old little sister.

''Hey Bug'' Logan got close to me leaving his backpack and suitcase on the ground. He kneeled down to my eye level so that we could say our goodbyes propele. ''I'm gonna miss you, Lo'' I said straight off the bat. ''I know, Bug'' he nodded and looked to the ground. ''I'm gonna miss you too'' he said.

I jumped into his arms wrapping my arms around his neck. He wrapped his big arms around my waist while caressing my back. I didn't want to cry but I couldn't help it, soon I was wetting his shirt. ''Good luck in LA'' I said as we pulled away. ''I know you're gonna rock it there'' I said sniffling. Logan laughed and whiped away my tears with his thumb. ''I'll be back before you even notice, okay?'' I nodded.

''I love you, Logey'' I said getting emotional. ''I love you too, Bub'' he kissed my forehead and gave me hug.

''Kick ass in LA for me!'' I whispered yelled in his ear. ''Emily!'' Mom yelled. ''That's my girl!'' he laughed. ''I sure will'' we pulled away from the hug and he stood up to leave. We said our final goodbyes as Dad and Logan drove off to the airport.

It was certainly one of the hardest goodbyes I ever had to give.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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