The Boy In the Maid Outfit

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"What? What do you mean you want to be my servant?"

"I mean what I mean, I want to be your servant for life."

How the hell did this happen? I was just walking around with my party, and we made it to this town, then we split up to relax. I was staying at this inn for a few days, and... Then this boy in a maid outfit walked to my room and started saying stuff about inheritance and how I'm next in line for something...

"Hold on, hold on... You're saying that my brother had servants like you and that now because he's dead, you belong to me?"

"Precisely. What is hard to understand there? Your brother, the late Ivan Iglesia, rest his soul, has perished, and you, as his closest living relative, Lauralei Iglesia, now owns me as her servant. As stated in his will."

"And... Nothing else?"

"Unfortunately no, the only thing he had given to relatives in his will was the ownership of me in particular. All of his other belongings and even his mansion will be donated to the city he lived in, to be turned into an orphanage and care facility for orphans like me."

"Really...? I mean, I guess I knew that he liked helping kids, but... Even after his death..."

"I know. He was an even better man to know in person, bless his soul. I miss him greatly."


Ok, so... The rest of my party is still out relaxing, and I'm the only one able to deal with this situation... I have to figure out a possible wage now... And now we have to figure out how we're going to get out of this town. We only have the horses for the just the four of us, and we can barely get all of our supplies on just them alone...

"Kid... What's your name?"

"Hm..? Name? Oh, it's... It's... It is..."


"Oh dear. I don't have a name."

"What do you mean you don't have a name? You mean you were never named?!"

"Of course that's what I mean, what other meaning would there be in those words?"

"Then! How old are you then kid?"

"17 years, I will turn 18 in the coming year."

"HoLD oN! Is it even legal for me to even have an underage boy as a slave?"

"No no! Not a slave! A servant. As the uniform would suggest. I would just follow your orders and do whatever as you please."

"Sounds like slavery to me..." 

"But with the consent! I want you to be my master! I'll even call you whatever you want! Are you ok with being called Master Lauralei?"

"Oh god no, please don't say it like that! It sounds all dirty and wrong when you say 'with consent.' "

"But, you're fine with me calling you master right?"

"Yes, that's fine if it suits you. Now, about your job as my... servant. How much do you expect in pay?"

"Oh! No, no! You don't need to pay me, I'll work and survive off the satisfaction of serving you. And by survive, I mean you don't have to pay may in money, just shelter and food."

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