The Witch of All Trades

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*a whirring, like an old computer turning on, but, magical
*then a female voice begins to speak:

City Log #365:

Special Event: 1st anniversary of my arrival to this city, I'm the only one who cares about it, duh.

Emotional scale for the day: ( -4 ) " :( "

Citizen Standing: They still hate me. Not a surprise.

Personal Standing: "Unchanging, I'll keep protecting this city no matter how much they say they hate me. Hasn't changed since that day. Never changing ever."

Begin log:

"Ahem. This is city log number 365, a magical recording to be sent to the capital for the annual report of the city's wellbeing."

*audible shuffling of papers

"Right, here we go... Ahem. This is the city witch, Jack. Rank; Great Witch, 3rd most powerful magic user in the world. Giving the annual wellbeing report to be received at the capital for the annual screening of dangers."

*inaudible whispering, likely counting to self

"Right, population count: 19,560 people and counting. 300 deaths via natural causes, and 487 successful births of newborns, 13 unfortunate stillbirths. The population is up by about 6% from last year's count. A good steady growth, nothing unusual."

*more shuffling of papers

"Total death count, however, is not 300, it is actually about 323, 300 of those deaths were of natural causes, old age, sickness, etc. The 23 extra deaths were caused by a terrible accident that happened with a major warehouse, where it had caught on fire, and the 23 people had been trapped inside for far too long. To spare you the most of the details, 17 had died in the fire itself, 5 had died of being crushed by falling debris, the last had died from the injuries sustained in the disaster. He had died in my arms..."

*sniffling, then a deep breath

"An investigation showed that this fire was a complete and utter freak accident, where lightning had struck a nearby stockpile of wood, located by the warehouse, the result, was obvious. No one else had been injured in the fire and subsequent collapse of the building, only the 23 had been injured and died."

* saddened sigh

"My personal standings with the city folk had taken a dive with this tragedy. They continuously blame me for the fire and deaths caused by it. Not a very good thing, but I can assure you it was a freak accident. I will have nothing to do with the funerals, as per request of the mourning families..."

*silence... Then more shuffling of papers

"Ok... In terms of economy, nothing substantial has occurred, everything is well. However, due to the recent drought, the city folk have begun to run out of the water supply. This is a secondary request to perform a spell to summon in a simple rainstorm for resupply of water and to hydrate the crops. Send an acceptance/denial of request ASAP."

*more papers, then just tapping of a desk.

"Now, on a more personal note. I've been noticeably sadder these past weeks. Probably because of that tragedy, and moreover because of all the scapegoating, but I'll need to rest soon. In terms of hunting, all has gone well, any of the more dangerous beasts have been quelled, and the general number of dangerous creatures has been lower as of late. Thanks to the hunting crew and I of course."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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