More Added Categories - Vote!

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So you can choose between these below! The voting ends in 2 days!


1. Best Dieletta Fanfiction

2. Best Dion (Diego and Leon) Fanfiction

3. Best Ludletta (Ludmila and Violetta) Fanfiction.

4. Best Leonesca Fanfiction

5. Best Caxi (Camilla and Maxi) Fanfiction

6. Best Violetta Ship (Include from which book/fanfiction/story)

In this Best Violetta Ship category you for example say 'I like the ship Jortini from (you name the book's name here) because they had so different personalities in that book and it was so nice to read about how they got along in the end.

That's the added categories! Don't forget to vote!

Violetta Awards 2017 | VOTING CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now