Sexual Harassment Speech

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Sexual harassment speech

Why Did You Stand By?
Why did you not say anything?
Why did you make me do all the talking?
Why wouldn't you help me stop him?
Why must my heart ache for years on end?
Why didn't you save my mentality?
Why didn't you help me when I needed it the most?
Why did you leave it up to mom, dad, the dean, and me?
Why didn't you care?
Do you have any compassion for me?
Don't you see that it still hurts?
Don't you see that it still haunts me?
If you really love me, dear brother, then why didn't you help me stop this before it began?

The sexual harassment was too much on my feeble mind yet you did nothing to help me, sure he didn't hurt me physically, but, he hurt me mentally with his sexual comments and hints... why didn't you see that... why did you wait until the end of the year... what did I ever do to deserve this kind of treatment at age 12 in a Floridian Middle School?!

My sexual harassment story can not be shared but, I need to know why no one besides my parents and the dean attempted to stop it... why didn't I see what was going to happen way before it started? Why was my mind put through this? I'm not trying to victimize myself but what happened was real and it still haunts me to this day...

If you see someone getting sexually harassed or abused, don't stand by, get help immediately, don't do what my brother did, speak up, no one deserves this treatment and I speak from experience, please help stop it before it starts, even a single suggestive glance should give you enough info to stop it and go get help for the boy or girl...

Thanks for reading this post and please do your best to help stop this, you might be just one person, but every person can make a difference, so please, do what you can, in counting on you..!

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