Memories warped to terror every night

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September 14th 2019:

Four months... every night... the memories of my sexual harassment are warped by my fears turning those memories into living nightmares...

Every morning I wake up in a cold sweat and I feel pain between my thighs...

The way Nick sexually harassed me was verbal, mental, and emotional... but when I sleep... my mind turns it from harassment to assault...

I dream that he's assaulting me...

Sometimes I have sleep paralysis due to the trauma...

These nightmares never end...

Why..? Why.? Why? WHY?!
What made this jackass think it was a good idea?!
I was only 12 years old!
I was so gullible and trusting!
He took advantage of that and tormented me!
He's a disgusting human being!
There was absolutely NO REASON for him to do that!
The torment continued till the end of my 6th grade year!
If I stayed at that middle school... who knows what he could've done... he could've taken it a step further... from verbal harassment to physical harassment... and if he so desired... he could take it to actual assault...
I'm grateful that my parents took me and my older brother out of that school..!
I escaped him...
But he still haunts me every night...
I try to think positive to ignore those memories...
I try to draw the black curtain over it...
Nothing works...
I just want it to end..!
No more!!
I can't take it anymore!!

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