It Still Hurts

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Today is May 18th 2019... yesterday was my last day at my high school... but... something is still bugging me... why can't I forget?!

I still hear his voice in my dreams
I still see what happened in 6th grade
He's a disgusting human being
What was he thinking when he sexually harassed me..?!
Sometimes I have a dream where he's pinning me down and sexually assaulting me... the feeling is very real... when I wake up... I'm covered in cold sweat and tears...
I know he didn't sexually assault me... but the trauma he left in my mind makes it warp when I'm asleep...
No matter how many times I try to forget or ignore it... the memory comes back full swing...
I hope he's happy with what he did!
I can't look at a guy the same anymore!
I'm scared to approach guys now!
I still remember his name... Nick...
Why did he target me..?!
Was it because I was so gullible and trusting?!
I was only 12 years old!
That sick fuck..!
If he continued to harass me... who knows what he'd do next...?!
I wish that I never met him!
And even now in the back of my mind I can see his green eyes shining with lust and I can still hear his voice... it haunts and torments me..!

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