Chapter 10

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Athena's POV

After everything that happened earlier today with my mom, I needed to forget about it.

Thank God I had Ethan, I wouldn't have made it through the day without him.

Right now, we're setting up for my little party thing. Grayson came over early to check on me, which was very nice. But he decided to help too.

So it's just Ethan, Grayson, and I.

"Are you not gonna eat that last taco?" Grayson says and reaches for it.

I smack his hand, "Get outta here, boy. This is my taco." He makes his crying Grayson face and I laugh.

"Grayson, are YOU not gonna eat that last taco?" Ethan mocks and reaches for Grayson's taco.

Grayson smacks Ethan's hand, "Get outta here. boy. This is my taco." These boys are too much.

Ethan picks up Grayson by his shirt and slams him onto the ground. They start to wrestle and laugh their asses off.

"Guys! I know you're married and all, but can I have my boyfriend back?" I pout.

Ethan grins and started to walk towards me, but Grayson sneaks up behind him and pushes him to the ground.

I roll my eyes and just continue eating my tacos.

It got really quiet after ten minutes, so I look down and I see them both sleeping. On each other.

The fuck?

I open up Snapchat, and of course snap a picture with the caption 'grethan is real💗' and put it on my story. I had to.

I quickly run up to my room and grab my camera, then run to my closest and grab a shit ton of mouse traps to prank them with.

Then I grab a water gun and fill it with water.

I turn on my camera, "Hey guys! It's me. Today I'm going to prank Ethan and Grayson. They both fell asleep on my floor, and what better way to wake them up then by pranking them? I have some mouse traps here, and a water gun. I'm going to surround the traps around them, so no matter which way they go, they'll get attacked. Ready? Let's go!"

I set the camera down and start to place the traps, once I'm done, I move the camera way back and give it a thumbs up.

I stand on the couch above the boys, and start spraying them.

"Aaah! What the fu-" Gray gets cut off when he steps on a mouse trap.

"OH MY GOD ATHENA WHAT THE HELL!" He's freaking out and I'm laughing.

"Grayson, are you okay?!" Ethan yells and rolls over into a bunch of traps, his whole back is covered.

"OH MY GOD. OW. OWWWW!!" They're both running around like spazzes trying to let go of the traps.

I'm laughing my ass off while crying. This shit is too funny.

"Athena!! I swear to God! Get these away from us!!" Ethan demands.

"Make me."

They look at each other with big smiles and throw a bunch of traps at my feet, thank god they missed.

They pick up another, "Oh, no no no no no!!"

They throw them at the traps below me, setting them all off. I'm squealing now.

"Karma is a bitch, babygirl." Ethan winks.

He's dead.

"Have I ever said how much I hate you? Because I do!" Grayson yells while crossing his arms like a little baby.

i hate you, i love you. // ethan dolanWhere stories live. Discover now