And Everything Goes To Sh*t...Again- Chapter 9

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Lachlan's/Preston's/Vik/Rob's/Jerome's/Mitch's P.O.V


Lachlan's P.O.V

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU..." I say, looking around and seeing none of my other counterparts. Welp, this all went to sh*t...Again. Why can't ANYTHING go their way for once.

Standing up, I noticed how cold the area around me was, wrapping my wings around myself instinctively. Looking down at my limbs I notice that my body was all...Blocky? This just keeps getting weirder and weirder. The whole world was blocky it seemed like.

Taking a deep breath, I try to ignore the cube structures around me. It appears that I, the winged majestic person that I was, am up in the mountains...Snowy mountains to be precise. Perfect, just perfect. So if it starts snowing I won't be able to fly that well. For my own good, and the others, I should probably start flying down from the mountains now and try to look for the others. Hopefully we are all close to one another... Hopefully we are all in the same universe.

Spreading my 18 feet wingspan, I flap my white wings and take off into the air.

God, it was cold.

Preston's P.O.V

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU..." Save me. First of all, everything is blocky. Great. Second of all, it seems that I've landed in seemingly the literal definition of hell. There were ghosts, pig people, and black skeleton things walking around all around me.

Oh yeah, did I mention the lava that surrounded all around me? I know I'm supposed to be a Lava-Mob creature thing, but come on. This is just too cliche. The author was just trying too hard now.

Sighing, I get up and brush off... glowy powder stuff? Looking next to me, I see a black rectangle with purple portaly thing inside it. Most sane people would leave it alone.

I'm not sane.

"YOLO!" I yell, as I jump through the portal like structure.

Vik's P.O.V

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU..." Well, that's what I tried to say but what came out was "Blahagahahaha"

A.K.A, I was surrounded by water on all sides of me. At this moment I have never been so thankful for being a whale hybrid. I'm sure one of my other counterparts already mentioned it, but come on the author was trying to hard.

I quickly swim to the surface, taking a gulp of air. Not like I needed it, kinda just did it for dramatic effects.

Looking around, I notice everything was blocky. Including myself. Awesome, wow.

Seeing the nearest land, I started using my flipper and gills to get myself closer to land. Time to find the others.

Rob's P.O.V


"Well that was not what I was expecting," I groan, as I push myself off the ground. The comforting touch of the soft grass does help ease the pain of my pounding head.

I sat up onto my knees to behold the most beautiful sight ever. A wide a field of a variety wildflowers that stretched for miles upon miles. I just can't believe my eyes, I actually want to cry. Think of the flower crowns! SO MANY FLOWER CROWNS! I can feel my tail wagging so fast with all this excitement I can barely contain myself, but I stop myself by gasping at my blocky nub for a hand as I reach out to pick a red poppy. I look down at myself and realize that the rest of me is blocky.

"I guess I should get started on finding the others." I sigh as I stand up, careful to not step on any flowers. This is going to take a while.

Jerome's P.O.V

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU..." I yell, falling from the highest tree tops. Jungle, really?

Quickly reaching out a hand...Wait it's a blocky hand now...Cool, I grab the nearest vine. My descent from the top of the jungle to the bottom slowed but didn't stop, causing myself to land butt first onto the hard forest ground. Ow.

I get up, grimacing at the pain. Looking around I notice that the whole world was blockey. Also that none of my friends are here with me. That too.

Welp guess I should find them.

Mitch's P.O.V


Looking around, I noticed all the trees surrounding me. Also, everything was blockey... Including myself. ALSO ALSO, none of my friends were any were in sight.

This is already a great start. Sarcasm intended.

Anna did NOT mention that we might of be split apart. A little warning might of been good next time. When we get back I'm going to have a talking to her.

Sniffing the air I get a scent of.... Bacca... Weather Jerome or a real life bear. Time to find ot.

A/N: I had this chapter on the back burner for sooooooo long. Sorry for such a short chapter, but I plan on having the next one really long (thanks Dolphy for that idea)

Would you guys want a christmas special for this? I plan on making a one-shot book for the month of training that you guys didn't get to see (and for other things) So like would you guys want that?

Talking about One shot books, I have one up now for the Hamilton fandom. Probably going to make a Christmas one for that too. I also plan on having a one shot book up for the Sander Sides by Thomas Sanders really soon so stay in tuned. (If you haven't watched it, watch it. Thomas Sanders is a awesome youtuber and needs more love)

Anyways, ask questions on my rant book any time and I'll answer them.

Question of the day: What should I do for my 200 follower special?

Ba-bye peepes.

P.S. Pretty sure you all are done with my breaking the fourth wall, so I only did it twice. Be proud.   

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