And Introductions- Chapter 3

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3rd Person P.O.V 

The Pack came into the waiting room, fallowed by Anna closely behind. All the Recruits looked up from whatever the were doing and stared at the 6 figures... All who looked very... Unique in their own way. With wings, tails, animal ears, and more on them they looked like a person from a cartoon or one of those crappy fanfics that you read were the characters are changed to have a special backstory. 

"Pack, this is the Recruits, Recruits this is the pack" says Anna. Everybody waved at each other, some confident some shy.  

"Hey I'm Mitch" said a confident looking teenager from The Pack. He seemed to be a lion mix of some sort, with lion ears and tail. His hair was a brown miss, pieces of hair hanging over his caramel eyes. To complement the look he were a checkered hoodie and a pair of jeans. 

"And I'm your friendly neighbor hood Preston" said a goofy smile teenager. He had brown hair and eyes like Mitch, the same messy mess too. He were a lack sweatshirt with a flame in the middle of it. Even though his hair was brown...It had a lava glow to it.   

"Pretson! Don't quote Spidermen, anyways I'm Jerome" says a crooked nose teenager. His hair was just as long and messy as the others, with the same brown eyes. He were a brown short and just some pants. He looked to have bear ears and tail. 

"You shouldn't be talking Jerome...Also I'm Rob" piped up a blue sweatshirt teenager. He...again.. had brown eyes and messy hair. His wold ears twitched and tail wagged behind him. 

"I'm Vik and this person over here is Lachlan..He's kinda shy" said a short guy. He had a blue shirt on with a read and blue diamond in the middle. His hair was...Surprise, surprise...a black mess with brown eyes. He seemed to have...Gills? The person standing behind him seemed a elephant next to a mouse... His blond hair as messy as the others, blue eyes, a red hoodie, and a 18 foot wingspan..Making his height seem taller somehow. 

"Vik, I can't introduce myself..Atleast...Anyways I'm Lachlan or you could call me a jag as that what those three called me earlier" said Lachlan laughing, pointing towards Jerome, Rob, and Mitch. At first they tried to act guilty but were soon were bursting out with laughter. 

"So you guys are...?" Jerome piped up...

A/N: I know, I know, this is a boring / short chapter but I wanted to get it out for someone's birthday *cough cough* and I'm sorry to say that the comic is going to be held off because,,,*Stops for a second and relizes I go a massive nose bleed*...HOLD ON A SECOND! 

Okay what was I talking about? Oh yeah the comic is being held off because my drawing tablet is not working for a moment.. Yeah

Also the end of the contest is going to be at the end of this month so GO GO GO GO!!! XD *Nose is stell bleeding* DAMIT WHAT DID I DO!!!

Anyways ba bye 

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