Its just to see you

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" Ji Hyo-ya, i noticed from just now you been looking at the pendant. Who gave you that? Your mom?" Gary finally ask after half an hour looking at Ji hyo touching the pendant and he knows she cries looking at the pendant.

"Someone very very special & i miss him so so much." Replied Jihyo looking outside the window. She can't deny her feelings, but at the same time she can't confesses it at anybody, no one.

"Your father? Ya i heard him travel a lot, i understand then... Jihyo-yah, hmm can i ask you something?" Asked Kang gary while looking at Jihyo direction.

"Yes Oppa? Anything?" Jihyo mumble, she is really tired from all the busy schedule, but she knows is she ignore Gary, Gary will be furious and the next thing she knows... Jong Kook name will be mention. She really hate it when that happen.

"Do you really love me? I don't think so Jihyo-yah.." asked Kang Gary after 6 months of dating.. he finally spill out the question.

It hurts Jihyo-yah when you look at me with that eyes and you look at other man with.... i hate to admit it but you look so loving when you look at him.. WHY JIHYO-YAH? I'm your man... not him - Kang Gary

"Oppa, i am really sleepy, i want to sleep wake me up when i reached my house." Replied Jihyo heartlessly.

Sorry oppa, I'm really sorry. You will be hurt oppa... i'm really sorry. - JiHyo

Throwback" Hyung, waa Jihyo is getting more pretty

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" Hyung, waa Jihyo is getting more pretty..."Kang Gary whisper to Jong kook.
He look so blushed after saying that to Jongkook, after many years working together with her, his feeling towards that girl can't be kept secret anymore. Haha & Jongkook is the only ones to know his feelings.

When can i have that girl? Love you Jihyo-yah

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When can i have that girl? Love you Jihyo-yah.. I hope i can be in real relationship with you not just loveline in Running Man. - Kang Gary

"Yah! You really like Jihyo? Not just a rebound after your break? Gary-yah don't think Jihyo is that kind of girl. She can't be your rebound." Jongkook sounded serious when he said that.

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