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"Jihyo-yah.... so are we official? Like are you..... mine?" Jong kook looked at Jihyo eyes, looking for a sincere answer.


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"Oppa..." Jihyo didn't even finish her word when suddenly Haha came and said...

"Yaaaaah! We are dying of hunger and you guys just standing here? Aigooo! Faster we want to eat now!" Haha start to drag his hyung to his car...

Jong kook mouth to the girl.. "we will talk later"

That girl just smile and nod and glared at Haha.


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"Hyung... what did i just do? Why she look so angry? Ok wait why you look so piss off too? WHAT DID I DO?" Haha asked but nobody answered... hais sloww..

At the restaurant

"Waaaa.. I'm so hungry i want steak!" Jong kook exclaim, he looks so happy he been smiling nonstop since the incident.

"Ya kook Jong ah

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"Ya kook Jong ah... why are you so happy? Are you happy as you get to meet your girl? Who? Eun hye?" Jea suk was puzzled and finally ask the question.

Jong kook glare at him and look at that girl, jihyo.. she look a little bit disappointed when Eunhye is being mention.

 she look a little bit disappointed when Eunhye is being mention

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