A Kiss In The Rain

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Hey everyone! This is my first FanFic! I am so excited! I hope you like the start! I'll continue writing some more! tell me what you think, also any suggestions! Thanks!

~MrsLauraHoran <3 

*Harry's P.O.V*

Hundreds of fans stare up at us. We were at a signing. It was so typical now. I knew what to expect. Although, it always surprised me to see how popular we were. We could go anywhere and see hundreds of fans. Maybe even thousands. It always managed to surprise me. The numbers of fans grow with every city we visit. 

It started to rain, slowly at first but then started to rain harder.

Another girl walked up. She was pretty. Much like many fans, she seemed to have a little crush on me. No surprise. Many girls favored me. Why, I have no clue, maybe because I'm a cutie? or maybe because I'm a flirt? None of them know me personally. Their crush really doesn't mean much. They only see the star me, not the real me. But, there's really nothing I can do to change that. To hang out with different fans and get to know them personally would be to hard, and I'm too busy.

The next girl came up. "Hi, How are you? I'm Harry." I smiled. "What do you want me to sign?"

"umm.. This poster please!" She blushed. Aww, that's cute! Blushing girls are always cute! 

"And Who will I be addressing this to?" I asked politely with my signature smile.

She turned beat red, "Lindsey! please! I'm a huge fan! Thank you very much!"

"You're welcome." 

I flashed my pearly whites for the next girl. She was pretty. She had bright red, curly hair. It stopped right around the shoulder area. It framed her face well. She caught my eye more than some other girls. I bet it was the hair. Red hair was always different, always an eye catcher. 

She walked confidently up to me and leaned forward. "Hi Harry!" She grinned cheekily and gave me a kiss. My eyes widened! Girls aren't supposed to kiss me! I am supposed to kiss them! I'm the one to surprise them, it was never the opposite. The security came rushing up, pulled her up, and started to scold her.

"How dare you kiss Harry! We told all of you the rules before the signing. We have to protect them and you. It's not fair to everyone else if you kiss..." 

I interrupted. "Look, It's OK. No need to scold her. She wont do it again." 

She got my signature and went to get Liam's, who was next in line. That's when I noticed that I had not asked her her name! Wait, what's this little sheet of folded paper on the table.

Hey Harry! Here's my number! 630 xxx xxxx.

You should give me a call and then I can explain the kiss! 

xoxoxo LoLo

I was shocked! She had planed this! She is one interesting girl. 

I could still feel her soft lips on mine. I blushed. Crap! Harry, get it together! This isn't you! You are the flirt! You can kiss any girl and not feel embarrassed. Why is this girl making me feel this way? 

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