16 - Results for Fantasy: 2nd round

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Hello everyone!

So, we have our TOP 6 on Fantasy! These books will go to the final round: where the winners will be picked.

So, we have our TOP 6 on Fantasy! These books will go to the final round: where the winners will be picked

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- Inner Colossus by CercandoLaVerita

- Roseblood by xAnnaJoyx

- Revium by silentcrown

- Better Believe: The Extreme Future Story by Freedom-Lover

- Reality Secrets by  SBScarlett (mature)

- Chronicles of the Old World: The Time of Upheaval by HisHighnessRicmar

CONGRATS EVERYONE! We will start the judging part for the final round as soon as possible. The winners may be out before New Year's Eve!

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