ch. 12

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Marco, María, and Emily.

They were the oddest bunch of kids I'd ever met, but I figured that was because I had never met any other kids who were from outside of the city. Apparently, they'd been in search of the city to find someone who could give them a place to live in exchange for work.

I was getting close to believing them as they explained their story. But I was still skeptical, especially because of the way they'd marched in here and held guns to our heads.

"So you think we can 'co-exist'," repeated María after I gave them my proposal. I had sent Natalie to count up all available bed spaces in the house, and she'd returned with a complete layout of the house that she'd found in the same place as the directions to the store.

"There's ten of us," I explained again, "so if we pair up, we'll take five of the rooms here, which leaves one bedroom open--the upstairs one. So I'm saying that if you want to continue to stay here, and you're willing to live peacefully, we'll let you. Then, if you want, we'll take you back to the city with us whenever we're allowed to return."

The dark-haired girl frowned and opened her mouth to retaliate, but Marco shook his head before she could answer. "I believe the girls have had enough traveling. We will stay here and leave with you."

Emily squirmed in María's arms. María set her back down on the ground, where she hid behind one of the older girl's legs.

"So do we agree?" I took another glance at their guns, which had been laid on the table. Marco gave another nod, taking his gun and replacing it in his belt.

María narrowed her eyes but finally nodded herself. "Nap time," she told Emily, taking her hand and leading her into the living room.

Marco watched them go. "I want to apologize for the intrusion," he offered. "We were just...alarmed when we saw that there were others here. No one has ever bothered us before."

"Are they your sisters?"

"María is my blood sister. We discovered the young child, Emily, attempting to flee our home country. We have been caring for her ever since, but she is...different from us."

"Well I understand your fear and accept your apology," I responded. "We've been instructed to stay here until the city is safe to return to."

"We should probably introduce them to everyone," Natalie suggested softly.

"What are your names?" He extended his hand to me, and I took it, shaking firmly. "My name is Daniel."

He looked to Natalie next. "And you, miss?"

"It's Natalia," she answered, smiling and shaking his hand. "My parents are actually from Spain, so it's the traditional name, but here I go by--"

"Natalie," he guessed. She blushed as he took her hand and kissed it.

Oh, hell no. Did she really just--

"Danny? Did you want to call everyone down?" Nat asked me.

"Yeah, sure," I said through clenched teeth. She frowned, retracting her hand from Marco's.

Yeah, you'd better.

"Danny's our leader," Nat continued, and to my surprise, she grabbed my arm, looking up at me with a smile. "He's calling the shots around here."

Now she was gazing at me like I was the only one in the room, and pure desire for her was about to make me forget our earlier agreement...

Remember that promise ring, Daniel, my subconscious roared. But now, another part of me wanted nothing more than to pull her back and kiss her hard, right in front of, better yet, in front of Ethan.

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