Chapter 1

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"Get!" The angry man yelled towards his daughter.

"Yes father.."

"It's 'Sir' to you, Missy!"

"Yessir.." A tear escape when the young girl walked away from her so called father. The young girl walks towards the nearest market to receive fruits and vegetables for her 'family'. She enters the stores and is greeted by the cashier, an old women around her 50's.

"Hello, Emma dear. Is that a bruise on your arm?"

"Um yes but it's only from my clumsiness. Don't worry ma'am."

"Well pick what you need, dear."

Emma walks around grabbing the things she need and paid for them. Afterwards she went back home and made dinner for her parents who don't like her much. As soon as she finished, she set the table and poured the drinks. That's when the parents came in but the father was holding a beer bottle. Emma saw this and became scared.

"Leave, filthy mutt." Emma nods her head and went upstairs to her room.

Emma Rose, out of her 18 years of living, her parents were nothing but rude and abusive towards her. She always wonders why but all they say is that they needed a servant for their home. When her father drinks, he would always harm her while the mother just sits back and laughs.

Emma then heard yelling from downstairs then a crash. She jumps at the sudden noise then listens closely. It became quite but then she heard footsteps coming up. Emma got scared and was about to lock the door however her father manage to come quick. She shrieked and tried to run away but the father threw the glass bottle hitting her right leg. It made a big scratch and then started to bleed. She fell down, tears already falling and waited for the next hit. Indeed the father came and slapped her then spitting at her.

After that he left. Emma grabs her blanket, rips it, then tying it around her leg where the cut is. She opens her window and starts to climb down. Reaching towards the floor, she walks towards the beach hoping to find peace and quiet. Emma didn't really have any shoes on but didn't care as she kept walking towards the shore. It was still bright outside, only the afternoon around 1pm.

Finally making it to the beach, Emma sat on the sand next to a rock. She removes the rock revealing a box of bandages and towels. She removes the blanket on her leg and grabs the towel, dabbing it on the cut. She hissed in pain for a little bit but then started to wrap the bandages. Since she would always get harmed by her parents, it's been normal for her to come to the beach. So she set down a first aid kit under a rock.

After she's done, she puts back the supplies and sets the rock above. Emma stands up walking close the the water and starts walking around humming to herself.

Is it possible for me to leave this island? I want to explore the world but how can I do that when I have no money and abusive parents. I don't even have friends here...

Emma thinks to herself. She became sad and felt lonely. She stops then looks towards the ocean. Looking around, it was kinda misty but she then saw a boat.

It's kinda too big to be a boat...

The closer it got, the more clearer it became. Emma squinted her eyes to get a better look then her eyes widen. Only one thing came to her mind.


She then looks towards the flag and her body shook in fear.

Pirates Of The Silver Moon...

Emma sprinted towards her village hoping to worn them about the cruel pirates heading towards them.

"Pirates! Pirates heading towards our island!!" Emma yells.

The villagers looks at her crazy. Her father then comes towards her ready to drag her away for embarrassing him. One man pulls out his binoculars.

"She's right! Pirates!" He yells.

Everyone gasped then started to run towards their home hoping to hide away from the pirates.

These Pirates aren't just any ordinary pirates. Rumors spread about them how the caption has thousands of crew members and how he treats them horribly.

Emma's father ran away with Emma following him also. They enter the house but the mother is clueless of what's happening.

"Pirates dear! Their coming!"


"T-the Si-Silver Moon P-pirates." Emma says slowly.

The father was about to say something until they all heard gun shots. Emma jumps and squeals then going behind the couch. The door shooked violently and then someone kicked the door with much force. There stood a tall handsome man along with a couple of his crew members. His eyes scanned the room and landed on the couple. He steps forwards toward them making the women step back.

"Wonderful place, mate. Looks like you've spent good money on it." The Mans voice was deep it sent shivers in Emma's body.

"What is it that you want, mate." The father asked.

"Money, gold, jewelry. We would like to take some of yours."

"Now hold on, you can't—"

"We want your money! Do not disobey me peasant!" The Man yelled.

"We don't have much but can we pay you with our daughter?" The Father said.

Emma's face revealed shocked and fear. How can they be so cruel to give her away like that, yes she did want to escape them but not like this.

"Show her to me."

"Emma! Come here!"

Emma gulps then stands up from her hiding place. He walks up behind her parents then stops. The father shoves her towards the front so the pirates could get a better view of her. The man looks at Emma in awe but soon turns to anger when he saw the red bandages on her leg and bruises on her face. He takes her hand pulling her towards him and Emma gasp at the sudden action.

"Perfect, I'll take my leave now." The pirates were about to exit the home until the father spoke

"What will your captain say about this!"

"Silly peasant, I am the captain."

The crew members laugh. Emma was still shock about everything. What will they do to her? Will they kill her? Treat her like a maid or prostitute.

"Okay crew, grab all kinds of supplies and food and put them in the ship. Then we all will have a nice feast dinner." The captain announced.

The crew cheered and parted different ways. The captain was still holding Emma's hand and she has no clue what he is planning to do to her. The captain looks at her then started pulling her with him towards the ship. Once in front of it, the captain pointed to the ladder signaling her to climb up. She got the message and started to head upward. Now they are on top of the ship Emma started scanning the area, there were some men cleaning the floors.

"Tell me Emma, who did that to your leg?" The captain asked.

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