Chapter 2

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A small ray of light slipped through the crack in the curtains and shone down on his face, waking him from the light sleep he had been in. Soon his alarm started beeping, a high pitched annoying noise to wake him fully. He groaned and reached his hand towards the alarm clock fumbling with it before turning it off. 

He sat up and looked around his wide spacious room, the biggest out of the dorm rooms. He smiled with satisfaction knowing he would always win. He was used to getting what he wanted when he wanted no excuses. Chanyeol didn't take no for an answer. 

He reached for his phoning scrolling through his notifications. They were mainly just comments on his most recent selca on Instagram. It was all girls saying how good he looked and how they wished they could date him. in your dreams, girls thought Chanyeol. 

Chanyeol put his phone down and headed to the bathroom staring at himself for a way to long before starting to get ready. He spent a full 10 minutes just styling his hair, even though he went to an all-boys school he could afford to look shabby. 

When Chanyeol finally left his room he walked into the dining area to see his 2 best friends sitting eating breakfast. Sehun looked up at the sound of Chanyeol's bedroom door closing and smiled at him. 

"30 minutes I think that's the fastest you've got ready so far," said Sehun jokingly. Kai gave a light laugh and continue scrolling on his phone. 

"Well perfection takes time" replied Chanyeol sitting down at the table and pulling towards him a plate of food. 

"Maybe too much time" Sehun mumbled.

When they had all finished they made their way out of the dorm rooms and towards the school. The walk was a nice one, through an avenue of cherry trees making a very pretty, and romantic, site. Many people walked along the path just outside the school and looked in through the fencing at large grounds and palaces like building.

This walkway was also the place where every girl in the country seemed to come to look at the rich boys walking to school. Chanyeol's morning walk was usually broken by girls screaming as he walked past. As many people considered him to be the best looking man in the school and a huge playboy. As they entered the school building Chanyeol saw a crowd around the notice board in the main hall.

"What's all this about," said Sehun walking towards it. The crowd parted to make way for the kings of the school. So they could all see the board. It read.......

To the students of this school. We are holding many test and interviews across the country and will give the smartest person a full scholarship the school. This process will take 3 weeks so when you come back after your term break you will have a new classmate. We hope you welcome them to our school."

When he had finished, Chanyeol stepped back thinking. To be honest, Chanyeol didn't know what to think, he wasn't sure whether he was angry at the fact that they were letting a common person into their school or happy that he would have a new toy to play with and been to his will.

Chanyeol turned and headed to his classroom still thinking the news over. He knew his decision would affect the whole school's selection, so he had to think it through. He entered the classroom and sat down still thinking.

"Hey, Chanyeol you Ok? You haven't been this quiet in years" said Sehun.

"Yeh......what do you think of the news," asked Chanyeol turning on his friends.

"Well...." replied Kai, " I think it's good that the common folks are getting the same chances as we do, But at the same time why would we want a common person in our school I mean they would stick out like a sore thumb."

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