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dear diary,

i saw her again today. she looked so beautiful as she sat with that blonde friend of hers, occasionally looking at her to participate in conversation.

jealousy coursed through my veins as the girl, perrie i think she's called, placed a hand on jade's and leant her a warm smile. i didn't necessarily have a right to be jealous, but i did anyway.

maybe because she's the only white person in this entire school that doesn't treat blacks or mixed race people like shit, and that will warm my jade up to her anyway. or maybe it's because she's pretty and perfect and i'm not.

i'll just say it's because they've been best friends since the beginning, and my best friend jesy had to move away with her family once they found out that the local high school would be a mixed one. the only mixed one in the country, might i add. jesy didn't mind the colour of my skin, but her racist pig of a father did.

anyway, back to jade.

she was positively gorgeous, stunning, beautiful, breathtaking and there was absolutely no denying it.

and i don't know whether it hurt me more to know that she doesn't feel the same way about me as i do her, or if she did then it wouldn't be able to happen because no matter what anybody says, jail is more than just a room.

fuck, i've got it bad for her.

leigh x

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