Chapter One - part two

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   Phina tapped her foot anxiously throughout the last class of her day. Her classmates glared at her but didn't say anything.
"And that's how..... Phina are you all right," the teacher stopped by her desk as he asked.
"Nope," she replied popping the p in the word.
The teacher frowned at her but continued on with the class. Everyone turned their eyes back to the front of the class, except Steve Harrington. Steve stared at her, and she felt his gaze on her.
The two had the unfortunate luck of sitting next to each other in the three classes they shared, every, single, one. Phina didn't know if fate was against them, or if the teachers just wanted them to suffer. Being that close to him was enough to make her angry, and for him to be staring at her, added to the fire.
"I'd suggest you turn that pretty head of yours forward Harrington," she snapped quietly.
He did exactly that, but continued to keep glancing at her through the corner of his eye.
Each time his eyes would land on her, she wanted to snap at him, but restrained herself, tapping her foot even more each time. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something, and Phina prepared to sarcastically reply.
The bell wrung and Phina stood as fast as lightening, knocking her chair over in the process. Saved by the bell, Phina thought to herself. Steve shook his head and slowly packed his things up, watching her from the corner of her eye.
Phina glared sharply at him and grabbed her things, rushing out of the room, not caring that she ran into to people on the way out. Getting away from Harrington as fast as possible was worth the bitchy comments she got.
All day, she'd felt this terrible coldness in her stomach, the utter wrongness of it scared her, and mixing Steve Harrington with that, how she made it through the day was a miracle.
She hurried to her locker, shoving away the things she didn't need and grabbing what she did. She needed to get out of the school, it was suffocating her.
"What's got your panties in a twist," she heard Tommy's voice from behind her.
She slammed her locker shut, louder than what was probably necessary, and turned to walk away. Phina was not up for his bullshit today.
"Nuh-uh, answer me weirdo," Tommy said as he grabbed her shoulder and turned her around.
"The thought of having to see your ugly face for one more second is making me a little queasy," she snapped.
"Ouch, that hurt," Tommy poured playfully.
"Good," Phina bit out, spinning on her heel, "hopefully I'll deflate your big head a little."
Carol stood behind her, blocking Phina's path. A small crowd formed around them, almost as if they sensed the fight brewing. It's wouldn't be the first time Phina had fought one of them, just never when the other was near.
"Where do you think your going," Carol smirked.
Phina glared at her, "home."
"What home. The Wheeler's? Ha! That ain't your home. Your home is probably in some hole out in the forest, just like the one they found you in," Carol laughed.
A low growl escaped Phina's throat. That had always been Carol's go to insult, and no matter how many times Phina heard it, it still stung.
"Hey hey hey, leave her alone alright?"
Phina turned to look at who said it, Steve.
"I don't need you to defend me Harrington," she spat.
"Don't flatter yourself Wheeler, I'm trying to keep my friends out of trouble," he shot back.
She rolled her eyes and turned back to Carol. Carol smiled sourly at Phina, and Phina smiled back, like a vicious snake, before walking forward, her shoulder roughly hitting Carol's.

Phina sat at the dinner table of her house, the rest of her family too. She stared blankly into her plate, upset about Will, he was officially missing. When her mom had told her when she got home, all she wanted to do was cry. The feeling she had all day, even the night before, it was about Will.
Mike, who sits to Phina's left, starts talking, "We should be out there right now. We should be helping look for him."
Karen looks at him, "we've been over this, the Chief said..."
"I don't care what the Chief said" Mike snaps.
"Michael," Karen says, aghast.
"He's right you know. Will could be in danger right now," Phina jumps in, aiding her brother.
"All the more reason to stay put," Karen states.
Mike starts to argue, "mom..."
"We could join the search party," Phina adds in.
"End of discussion," she snaps.
Everyone goes silent, Phina grabs Mike's hand under the table to comfort him. He smiles sadly at her.
Nancy then looks at her mom, "so. Me and Barb we're gonna study for the chemistry test at her house tonight. That's cool, right?"
"No. Not cool," Karen answers.
"What? Why not," Nancy whines.
"What do you think? Am I speaking Chinese in this house? Until we know Will is safe, no one leaves."
She doesn't leave any room for argument. Karen lookes over at Phina pointedly, daring her to ask to leave tonight like her siblings. Phina held up her hands in surrender, she didn't want to go anywhere, the only place she would want to go to would be the Byers' house, and she knew they needed time to be together.
"So we're under house arrest," Nancy asks.
"Don't be dramatic Nancy," Karen sighs.
Phina can practically see the anger radiating off of her younger sister, and she had no idea how to diffuse the situation, before it got bad.
"This is such bullshit," Nancy yells.
Ted finally speaks up, "language!"
"Barb lives two minutes away. Just because Mike's friend got lost on his way home," Phina cuts Nancy off, it got bad.
"Don't you dare blame this on Will."
"Nancy take that back," Karen snaps.
Nancy looks at her angered, "no!"
Phina glares at her about to snap, but Mike beats her to it, "you're just pissed because you want to hang out with Steve!"
"Steve?" Ted asks.
"Who's Steve?" Karen asks.
"Her new boyfriend," Mike says smugly.
"You're such a douchebag Mike!" Nancy yells.
"Language," Ted yells.
Phina rubs her temples, a ache had started forming in her head.
Nancy stands up and storms up to her room.
"Nancy! Come back! Nancy!"
"Leave her alone," Phina says calmly, "she'snot thinking rationally, try to talk to her now and you'll both say things you don't mean."
Karen looks at her daughter and sighs deeply, nodding, she knew Phina was right. Holly starts to get a little upset so Karen starts to sush her, trying to ease her daughter's, and her own stress.
"See Michael, this is what happens," Ted says disappointedly at Mike, like he was entirely at fault here.
"What happens when what! We're the only one acting normal here," Mike yells and gestures towards Phina, "Phina and I are the only ones who care about Will!"
"That's not fair, Micheal. We care," Ted says after taking a bite of his chicken, almost sarcastic in his reply.
Phina glares at Ted, with the glare that could make anyone uncomfortable, and it certainly worked on him, "that's bull and you know it."
Phina stands up and pulling Mike along with her, they storm off together. Phina glances at Mike as soon as they leave the dining room, and she can practically see a plan forming in his head. She stops them at the bottom of the stairs, turning to place her hands on his shoulders.
"Mike, whatever your planning, please be safe. I'll cover for you only until midnight," she tells him, "ok?"
"Ok," Mike nods and hugs Phina around her waist.

Phina goes up to her room and she grabs her sketchbook from her bag. The whole night, and day, had made her stressed beyond belief. Drawing was one of the few things that calmed her down.
Phina grabs a blanket and a sweater, before climbing out of her window and onto the roof of the lower part of her house. She did this regularly, sitting outside for hours on end, drawing, reading, or just staring at the stars. She set up the blanket and went back inside to grab a few pillows from her bed. When she came back out of the window, she heard a noise coming from her sisters window.
"What are you doing? I told you I had to stay in tonight," she hears Nancy say.
"I know, so we'll study here," Steve answers.
Phina almost groaned out loud at that, knowing what his studying meant. She was sick of Steve Harrington being around her sister, especially today. For some reason, Steve and Nancy's relationship bothered her deeply, and she wanted to say it was because she hated him and his group of friends viciously, but even with how good she was at lying, she couldn't lie to herself.
Phina crawled out of her window as soon as she heard Nancy's window close, setting up her pillows and sitting down. She pulled her sketchbook into her lap and opened it to a new page. Phina didn't know what she wanted to draw, but as soon as her pencil touched the page, her hand took over and her mind let it.
She let her mind go blank, not quite focused on anything around her. Minutes, maybe even hours passed by, before her drawing was finished, and her hand was cramping. When she came back too, and looked down at her page, she almost shrieked.
A gruesome monster was on the page, standing over a small figure, that almost looked like Will. The monster was almost human like, but it's tall, lanky, figure was definitely not. The most horrific part of it, was the grotesque face, which was opened up in the shape of a strange flower, but it definitely wasn't pretty. It had more teeth than she could count, long and sharp, lining it's entire mouth.
An electric feeling danced across Phina's skin, the sign of a storm. That feeling, added to the monster she drew, had her looking all around her, like she might be attacked.
Phina felt a few rain drops hit her head, and she scrambled to hide her sketchbook. She bundles everything up into a large blanket, rushing to keep everything dry. She throws her bundle throw the window and practically dived through her window, with much more success than she had heard Steve do earlier.
Almost as soon as she closes her window behind her, the rain starts pouring down. Phina grabs her sketchbook from underneath her shirt, where she had hid it, and opens the book to the monster drawing, sitting down on her bed.
There was now way she was going to get any sleep tonight. She knew that everyone she closed her eyes, she'd see that thing, and there would be no saving her from the nightmares she would have. Phina let her body fall backwards onto her bed, staring at the ceiling for a solid ten minutes.
She sighs, shuts her book, and prepared for the night ahead with a quiet, "fuck me."

-1887 words-
Hope you enjoyed this, it's kind of rushed and not very well put together, but once the action starts happening it will hopefully improve. Thanks for reading

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